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Running across the shore line in shorts and an open back flowing shirt, she tosses her sandals to the sand. He catches up to her, out of breath and smiling a smile that lit up her eyes. They lock lips and she playfully pushes him back into the water. He laughs while he tries to catch up to her as she runs to her sandals. Reaching the sandals, she strips into a two piece colorful bathing suit. She looks back at him and blows him a kiss and a wink. He runs into her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Kissing her neck as she pulls her hair back. She turns around slowly as he lets her go. He takes off his sleeveless blue shirt that she notices is much paler than his deep evening night blue eyes. He ruffles his hair with his right hand and holds out his left for her to grab. She tip toes over to him quickly, toes deepening into the sand. They interlock fingers and make their way to the shoreline. Waves crashing into their feet, he picks her up with a gentle and quick swoosh. Arms around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist, he holds onto her right angle and they both squeeze tighter on the left hand as they go deeper into the ocean water.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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