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"deuce. bake with me."


you can hear a heavy sigh from the other side of the phone.

"bake with me.!"

"it's,,,it's 2am..i was trying to sleep.."

"oh. then pass you phone to ace."

"what.? why would ace be up??"

"it's 2am.?"

"so- whatever, neither of us are going to bake with you."

"oh...i guess i'll just go shopping for baking ingredients at 2am, alone, at the sketchy walmart, and then walk home in the dark.."

man, deuce really has his work cut out for him.
"i hope you're happy to know ace was sleeping on the floor of our kitchen and i tripped over him on my way out."

"i am happy to know that, thanks.! ace's suffering fuels my soul because that asshole just listens to me blab and then has the audacity to make fun of me."

"you're also lITERALLY not alone. you have jack. you're just being needy."

he motions to the unleashed dog trotting besides you.

"eh? but jack isn't scary in the slightest??"

"he's,,,almost as big as you are??"

"yep! the perfect cuddle buddy!!"

"i hate you."

"no you don't. you came with me~! you're totally in love with me."

"why do you have so much energy at 2am."

"i chugged an energy drink, cleaned my dorm, brushed grim, gave him a ribbon, and finally finished all of my homework!!"

"what the- when the fuck was the last time you slept??"

"why does that matter? i've been watching a bunch of baking shows, and-"


"why are you yelling in the middle of a street at 2am???"

"god just shut up before i loose my mind."

"man, what a weirdo jackie."

"what the actual FUCK are you-"

"oh, it's jackie!!!"

surprising both you and ace, a god damn child runs up and hugs jack. the large dog sits still, although his ears go back.

"um...am i hallucinating, or???"


"wait why does he know jack what-"

"yeah, sorry."

the second plot twist of the night happens when leona trails not far behind the kid.

"this is my nephew."

"hi! i'm cheka, i'm 5, and i can touch my tongue to my nose!!"

"oh my god this kid is so weird."

"he napped with me all day and i would be mad to be out at this time but it just means his dad's gonna get fucked over when i give him back."

"you...got a kid to nap all day?"

"yeah. y/n had jack and without him my dorm is boring and messy. he didn't like it."

"right, jack got brushed today!! i brushed him and grim!!"

"ah. doing things impulsively again, yeah?"

"no, shut up!"

"yeah, uncle!! shut up!!"

you freeze.

"no you can't say shut up it's a bad word-"

"whaaaat?? uncle, she said a bad word!!!"

"wha- no i didn't!! i'm an adult, i'm allowed to curse!"

"no exceptions!! uncle, tell her off-"

"jesus christ it's too early for this shit."

"man if she's gonna rile him up like that, then she might as well take him for the night."

"oh? me, taking the kid?!??"

"yeah. you already took my dog."

"you may as well just ask me to marry you like riddle did, jeez!"

"like riddle what-"

deuce is interrupted by cheka, who stomps his feet in defiance.

"but uncle!!! i don't wanna go with the mean lady!"

"mean lady?!"

"pftaha- you totally pissed him off!!"

"or the ugly blueberry!!"

"he doesn't like you, either! don't act so high and mighty about it!!"

"uncle, these guys are mean!"

"your uncle is literally one of the meanest people in our whole college and yet you have the audacity to..man..jackie, let's just keep walking."

"don't go anywhere with my dog. jack, come here."

with the pats he's currently getting from you, jack does not seem so keen about leaving with leona. instead he plops his furry butt down on the pavement between the two of you.

"oh? are we calling jackie?? come here, jackie!!"

with the happy squeals of the child, jack makes up his mind quicker than anticipated.

"i actually hate you."

"well, tell me that some other time! i'm busy with my dog bff!"

"oh- the walmart's just around the corner now."

"oh right! bye leona, bye kid! let's go my lovely prince!"

"i'm not your prince-"

"i was literally talking to jack."

the walmart was closed.
756 words
look who's back and asking for recommendations. it's me. not that i don't have any ideas it's just i'm drafting another chapter focusing on idia and it makes me feel bad favoriting him so someone tell me who to write for oml

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