~Chapter 1 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ~

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Yashiro Nene and Yugi Amane have been together since high school.
They are newly out of college and are already in their own careers.
Amane is an astronomer and wants to become a teacher someday. Nene is a fashion designer and partners with her best friend Aoi who is also a model.
Yashiro still keeps in touch with her other best friend Kou Minamoto who is a police officer, and his fiance Sousuke Mitsuba, a photographer.

Amane is going through a lot of family problems with being cut off and fights with his brother that get out of hand.
Not to mention all of his childhood trauma. Nene has offered for him to stay with her but he refuses until he finishes his internship and can start getting paid.
The two haven't talked in 5 weeks, Amane's phone got shut off. And Nene worries everyday.
But she knows Amane will figure it out, he always does.

Author Note:
This chapter is short and it hasn't gotten that interesting yet, but just wait I promise it will get better.

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