Actually, I See Just Fine

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It didn't take long for everyone to understand, it's a common game anyways most have already played some variation of it. All they hads to do was listen to the three things the person said and write what they thought on an index card. Since Mina explained it all she decided to go first

"Okay okay I dyed my hair purple once, I got moved out of three classes more talking too much in elementary school, and I have a pet mouse!" Mina stated before looking around giggling. Bakugou wasn't too sure he knew Mina talked a lot but regardless he wrote being kicked out of three classes for talking along with his name on the card before elbowing Kirishima. He looked at Bakugou confused before Bakugou handed him the card to bring it up to Mina. WIth a grin Kirishima took it and handed him and Bakugou's guesses in. After a few minutes all guesses were made and handed in. She began organizing cards by their guesses into three piles, two pretty were even one with what looked like maybe four or five more cards and then one card in the third pile. When she finally finished counting the votes she looked up and started

"Only one person got it! C'mon guys I know I talk a lot but I wouldn't get kicked out of a class for it! So I guess Bakugou wins this round!" She smiled towards him as the rest of the class looked at him surprised. It may not look like it but Bakugou was proud of himself still wearing his scowl even when Kirishima slightly nudged him followed with a thumbs up he didn't make his usual threat just rolled his eyes at the persistent red-head. Some Days he wondered why he didn't back away from him like everyone else he really was like a parasite that wouldn't go away.

The game continued as they went around their deformed circle sharing their truths and lies with one any other laughing at the ridiculous lies and the unexpected truths they went around the circle.


It was finally Kirishima's turn. He was stoked to go he had planned his truths and lies since the start.

"So in middle school I stuck stickers everywhere and never got caught, i have a guitar, and I took drawing lessons. Kirishima grinned knowing it would be tricky as none of them were obvious things. He leaned over a bit trying to take a peek to see what Bakugou was writing.

"Get your eyes off my f!cking paper you'll see it soon enough anyways" Bakugou told him sternly before writing down his answer and placing it on Kirishima's leg. Kirishima picked it up reading it before looking at him with raised eyebrows. The paper read took drawing lessons, which was right Kirishima had gotten away with decorating his middle school with stickers and had a guitar he could play several songs and had even written a few of his own, but he wanted to make the cocky boy question his answer. Everyone submitted their answers, the majority voted on the sticker being a lie but he was shocked Mina guessed that. Heck everyone knew about the stickers in their middle school.

"I have a guitar, and I didn't get caught covering my middle school in stickers, never took drawing lessons! But seriously Mina, everyone in our grade knew about the sticker thing. How did you vote wrong!" Kirishima said laughing. Mina shrugged with a smile of her own

" I knew it happened, I didn't think it was you!" She replied.It was Bakugou's turned next.

"Alright," he started sounding rather unamused "i can paint, i've done gymnastics, and i wear contacts" bakugou said smirking knowing for a fact most will choose gymnastics although he did it for a few years as a child into earlier middle school. He also attended a few painting classes so he thought that would work well enough. As everyone started handing him the cards he sorted into piles and he was right almost everyone voted gymnastics minus about three or four who picked contacts.

"I don't wear contacts I see perfectly," Bakugou said smugly, knowing he threw everyone off with the new information.

"I never thought of you as a gymnast Bakubro" Kirishima said with surprise lingering in his voice "that's so manly!" Kirishima grinned while Bakugou simply rolled his eyes before looking at him

"And i never thought of you as someone who would die from using a sh!tty nickname but im starting to see it" Kirishima shrugged unplashed by his taunts as they continued going around the circle.

The game ended shortly after only Ojirou, Momo, and Hagakure were after Bakugou. Momo won with the most correct guesses Mina not too far behind her. It was getting late, the pizza was long gone and everyone started heading back up to the dorms. Everyone began piling out heading up the stairs to their dorms. Bakugou got up and made his way to the stairs before he heard a shout from Kirishima "What could he want now?" Bakugou questioned before being bumped into by Kirishima.

"Dude really couldn't wait for me?" Kirishima joked following Bakugou up the stairs. He started rambling about who knows what as Bakugou continued his path to their dorms silently. As much as Kirishima annoyed him, Bakugou was still grateful for the fact he rescued him. In that moment he realized he never had thanked shitty hair for saving him. Lost in thought they finally arrived in front of their dorms.

"Night Bakubro sleep we-" Kirishima was cut off

"You know how stupid resucing me was? You could've been expelled or injured." Bakugou questioned him. A simple thank you wasn't how Bakugou functioned.

" I know but you're my bro! I would have never forgiven myself if I didn't try my damn best." Kirishima smiled a toothy grin. God Bakugou felt if he looked at it long enough he would go blind, it was so bright and genuine too.

"Whatever, just thanks i guess" Bakugou muttered clear enough for Kirishima to hear before he could respond Bakugou had gone into his dorm and shut the door.

"Goodnight to you too!" Kirishima shouted through the door.

"Whatever, go to bed!" Bakugou yelled back from inside his dorm. Kirishima was happy that he got any response and headed into his own room.

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