October 8, 2021

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NOTE: Little Timmy is my little brother's pal max oc and has the mental mindset of a 5 year old. Also he is very smol.

Aaron: “Is that a library?”
PAL: *sarcastic* “No, it's just a place with a lot of books.” —October 8, 2021

“Zebulon, look what you did,” *points at the ottoman that Zebulon pushed away from the couch.* “You broke apart the continents... With your masculinity.” —PAL, October 8, 2021

Dirk: “Aaron, what's the biggest number in the world?”
Aaron: “500,613,469.”
Dirk: *WHEEZE* —October 8, 2021

Mark: “Aaron, which is heavier: a pound of feathers, or a pound of metal?”
Aaron: “A pound of feathers!”
Mark: “Okay but the fact that he actually said feathers. I'm so confused.” —October 8, 2021

Mark: “Aaron, what's 9+10?”
Aaron: “19.”
Mark: “Dang it. Okay, what's 20+1?”
Aaron: “21.”
Mark: “Okay now what's 21+21?”
Aaron: “...32? No, 42!”
Mark: *wheeze* “Close enough.” —October 8, 2021

*Glow stick necklace stuck in a tree*
DeborahBot: “okay, okay, let's try and get it down.”
Zebulon: “The wind is blowing Southeast... GO!”
Prime: *throws it and it actually knocks it down*
PAL: “OHHHHH! NICE!!” —October 8, 2021

“Let's just get the necklace down the American style: shoot it.” —Mark after the bots kept throwing the necklace in the tree, October 8, 2021

Aaron: “I've made a manly sacrifice.”
Eric: “Yes, a very manly sacrifice. He's sacrificed his shoe and is throwing it at the necklace.” —October 8, 2021

Dirk: “No look, I can draw bumblebee.”
Little Timmy: “Okay.”
Dirk: *draws a bumblebee*
Aaron: “I meant the one from transformers!” >:(
*2 minutes later*
Little Timmy: “Dirk, I'm going to erase this.” *in a threatening tone*
Dirk and Katie: *wheezing for different reasons*
Katie: “I'm just laughing because he said it so threateningly.” *still laughing*
Dirk: “Did he really just say "I'm going to be racist"?”
Katie: *laughing even harder* “NO!”
Dirk: “What did he say?”
Katie: “He said, "I'm going to erase this"!”
Dirk: “BRUHH I THOUGHT HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO BE RACIST. I was so confused! I thought my drawing had angered him into becoming racist.”
Katie: “Wait but we all have the same skin color–” —October 8, 2021

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