October 9, 2021

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Eric: “Are you gonna be camping with us tonight?”
PAL: “Yeah.”
Xerox: “Don't get a headache this time.”
PAL: “Okay.”
Aaron: “What are we even gonna do out there?”
Katie: “Pull an all nighter?”
Dirk: “Well duh. What else are we gonna do? Go to bed on time at 10? "Ohp! It's 10:30! Better get to bed even though there are absolutely no adults out here!"? Plus also we're gonna get bored eventually.”
Jade: “We could bring our phones.”
Aaron: “Yeah but mine gets disabled.”
Xerox: “Then just get it a wheelchair.”
PAL: "-_-"
Dirk: “Just find out the password and un-disable it. I'll go hacker mode on it. It's probably something like 'KatieIsMyFavoriteChild123'.”
PAL: *laughing* “'UrAdopted69'.”
Aaron: *wheeze* —October 9, 2021

(For the next part, everyone is stuck in bumper to bumper traffic trying to get to a Halloween event)

Aaron: *swinging a flashlight around*
PAL: “The only better thing you could've said was "stop flashing me".”
Mark: *WHEEZE* —October 9, 2021

“I'm gonna drown in a tub of snakes.” —Eric, October 9, 2021

“Ouhh.” —Dirk, October 9, 2021

Dirk, bored af: “I feel like.. mmmmm, eating children.”
Rick: “I feel like.. mmmm, stop complaining. If you don't stop, I'll give one of y'all to that man you said you saw walking around in the woods. Hey bud, ya want one‽” —October 9, 2021

Dirk: “What does the person who screams look like?”
Jade: “You.”
Katie: “She's just wrapped in toilet paper.”
Dirk: “Bruh she got TP'd by her elderly neighbors.” —October 9, 2021

Jade: “Ugghhh, I'm so bored. Uh.. look at those trees.”
Dirk: “Mmmm, those tree thighs... And how they jiggle in the wind.”
Jade: “Yeah, how do you think the trees— actually nevermind, I'm not gonna finish that sentence.”
Dirk: “No, do it.”
Jade: “...How do you think the trees made other trees?”
PAL: “Sus.” —October 9, 2021

Katie: “D-D-Do... Do you like Wendy's–?”
Dirk: “When Deez nuts are in your mouth. Ha, got 'em. Do you like trees?”
Jade: *shakes head*
Katie and Jade: *wheeze*
PAL: “You could make a Deez nuts joke out of anything. Grass.”
Katie: “What–”
PAL: “Grass Deez nuts! Grass nuts.” —October 9, 2021

“I want to burgle all your turds.” —Dirk, October 9, 2021

Aaron: “Look, we're at the front of the line!”
Mark: “Yay! We've been in the car for 3 hours!” —October 9, 2021

“Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb the shep.” —Deborahbot5000, October 9, 2021

Hanna for no reason at all: “Sniff the weiner!”
Dirk: “You should say that when someone comes up by your window.” —October 9, 2021

“SNIFF THE WEINER!!!” —Hanna, October 9, 2021

Rick: “I'm tellin' ya, Dirk, this is where we drop the bad kids off.”
Dirk: “Woah, calm down, Jamal.” —October 9, 2021

“Dude, this guy just likes to have really bright brake lights.” 🙄 —Rick, October 9, 2021

Jade: “Why are we here? Just to suffer?”
Hanna: “YES.” —October 9, 2021

Jade: “I have to pee and I'm scared!”
Dirk: “If they scare you, just pee on them.”
Jade: “I can't, my parts don't work like that!” —October 9, 2021

Dirk: “I'm shakin' like a stickbug in the wind. A simple breeze will knock me over.”
Hanna: “Are you shaking like Katie's butt earlier‽”
Dirk: “WHAT‽”
Hanna: “Yeah, we were playing earlier and she had to copy me so I shook my butt as a joke and she shook her butt!” —October 9, 2021

Mark: “Bro if someone touches me...” *smack*
Rick: “If someone touches you, you're gonna scream like a little girl.”
PAL: “That is CORRECT. Ahhh! Except it'll be a lot louder.” —October 9, 2021

Linda: “They had a lot more staff the last time we came here.”
Katie: “Maybe they quit?”
Rick: “Yeah, they quit because people wouldn't take their FOOT OFF THE BRAKE!” —October 9, 2021

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