static space

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if there was a girl who could travel anywhere in the universe, where would she go? 

she speeds through the folds of time and space, she touches stars, she moves between invisible lines, where no human has ever been. 

there are beautiful things - endless stretches of space and time, the freedom to move as she pleases, at any speed. she traverses over planets of rusty red and deep blue, of blinding gold and dull silver. 

but there are terrible things, of infinite blackness, darkness that folds over everything, consumes whole galaxies, and she is only a insignificant speck of dust, but she is the only one who makes it out alive. 

in some parts of the universe, it is so quiet that her ears grow strained with silence, and she cannot hear a single thing except for her own heartbeat as she floats among planets. 

in other parts, she hears whispers she cannot describe - they make her eardrums tingle and she shivers, not because it is cold, but because she knows no one has heard these sounds. it feels special and sacred, but it also feels lonely. 

and there are screams that seem to come from the universe itself as it tears itself apart and reforms, over and over again. no one knows how fast or slow the sounds travel because here in space, time is irrelevant. 

there are large things, a body of water that seems to pulse, and she would be swallowed up if she ever touched it, but she does anyway, because she know she will survive. there are glowing substances that are so blindingly bright that she has to shield her eyes with her arms, and she cannot tell where it begins and where she ends. when she touches that, it feels like the sun. there is darkness, infinite darkness. it is terrifying, but in its own way, beautiful too. she does not touch it. 

there are tiny things, specks of nothingness that makes her pause, in the middle of the whole wide universe, to examine it between her fingertips. there is gold dust, no one knows how it got there. there are tiny creatures, organisms that do not have consciousnesses, that float and move. 

there are colors that regular eyes cannot see, and she cannot describe them, because they aren't anything we would understand. 

and sometimes she moves fast, faster than the speed of light and faster than anything we could comprehend, and she watches the universe shift and blur around her. sometimes she moves slow, to enjoy all the colors of this odd, beautiful thing that no words can capture. the best word we have for it may be the universe. she allows the universe to move ahead of her, she'll catch up later. 

she pauses to think; what am i? because she isn't solid, she's just a consciousness, a ghost if you will, and she wonders, are there any others like me? 

she hears everything in all the universes around her, all their dreams and deepest fears and secrets, but she knows it's fine because there isn't any one to tell around her, and she feels like she has experienced all of this once, too. 

is this what it is like to be god? 

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