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i knew a girl once. 

when we were on a phone call, she said, i wished i had stars on my bedroom ceiling. I said, hm, because i didnt know what to say, but now i wish i had said me too. 

i knew a girl once. 

she thought about things that people didn't give thought to, like satellites and monoliths. once she told me, i think satellites must be pretty lonely, and i said yeah, because i didn't know what to say, but now i wish i had said are you like them? 

i knew a girl once. 

she stayed up till two am for no reason other than to listen to her favorite song. once she texted me and she said, i think everyone has a different interpretation of their favorite songs, and i said maybe, because i didn't know what to say, but now i wish i had said i know i do. 

i knew a girl once.

she spent a lot of her life thinking about herself and other people, constantly, endlessly, even when she was occupied with other things. once she said to me, would it be better to think and be sad, or not think and be happy? and i said, i dont know, because i didnt know what to say, and i think i still don't know now. 

i knew a girl once, and i think sometimes maybe girls think too much. 

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