The first chapter of their legend (1)

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Third's person perspective

There was a nobleman that was recognized as one of the richest and most powerful men of the island Caeser

Island Caeser was one of the most influential and biggest islands of the sea and it had a reputation for it's extremely strong government

The nobleman had a daughter named "Park Jihyo"

She was a absolute goddess when it came to beauty

She soon was recognized as one of the more powerful women of the island

But soon rumors spread like wildfire...

The rumors were that she was given a huge amount of money from the capital to popularize her name

Soon the noblemen were making rumors that she was being used as a toy by the capital due to her beauty

Both her name and the capital's were hated for a stupid rumor

Soon a well known pirate was sent to kill Jihyo's father for 'Personal reasons'

The capital needed their name to be washed with praise again so they made sure Jihyo wouldn't come back to ask for help

Soon Jihyo's father was killed right in front of Jihyo

She blamed the capital and their government for not protecting her father and she swore revenge

She became a pirate herself despite having a hatred for pirates

She soon enough gathered enough bounty to be recognized as a pirate and now she needed crewmates...


There was a woman named "Yoo Jeongyeon" and currently her parents had debts to pay but her parents had no job or way of making money

Jeongyeon decided she would make money for her parents to pay their debt

Jeongyeon was hired as a maid for a rich noblewoman and was now recognized as the 'The most beautiful maid there is'

She was undoubtedly the most beautiful among all the maids and all the butlers had a huge crush for her

All the men were always trying to find ways to get her attention or talk to her

The women this time.. despised her

The other maids made Jeongyeon do more work than usual and also made her their own maid despite being a maid themself

Jeongyeon thought that this was normal since she was not only the youngest maid but the newest maid

Jeongyeon soon got abused by the maids since all the men gave her more attention

The maids were utterly jealous and hated Jeongyeon completely

Jeongyeon soon enough were tired of all this abusing and had to quit the job

Soon she found herself at a local bar and wasted most of her money on the drinks

She was at the bar for more than 8 hours...

She couldn't face her parents knowing that she basically failed them

She was completely desperate for a new way of making money

While Jeongyeon was completely wasted some men tried to take advantage of her

Suddenly Jihyo came into the bar

She was already recognized by the locals so the men that tried to take advantage of Jeongyeon immediately went quiet at the sight of Jihyo

The men that were crowding Jeongyeon went back to their original seats as Jihyo walks over to Jeongyeon

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