Monster of Island 1 (18)

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"Hey what the hell do you think your doing?" Y/n asked Nayeon who was sitting in the shadows eating stolen ice cream and candies

"Do you think that's legal, Nayeon?"

"It is when you don't get caught" 

"Well to bad for you, I caught you" Y/n said as he took a piece of candies and pops it in his mouth

"Hey no fair!"

"Just steal some more shadow pirate" Y/n signals Nayeon for some ice cream

"Is that what they call me now? That's pretty cool" Nayeon admitted as she feeds Y/n some ice cream 

"That's a bit to much- No I just found that name out.. no one knows you exist"

"I still don't understand how you can see me..."

"Maybe I'm the actual 'one'?" Y/n asked as Nayeon groans in annoyance

"Your like a mature version of Dante, Hell no" Nayeon said as she takes the ice cream away from Y/n

"Oh by the way did you find Dante yet?"

"I heard from one of the girls that he was in the cabins a few hours ago..."

"He's probably just at a bar drinking or training..."

"Nope... he wasn't even drinking anywhere... and training? No where to be found"

"Let's try and find him later alright?" Y/n said as Nayeon nods

The two sit down quietly as they eat their stolen foods

"Isn't this quite romantic?" Y/n asked as Nayeon nodded

Nayeon always wanted someone trustworthy and dependable person and the thing is she could easily see it in Y/n

Dante wasn't particularly dependable... and his childish antics combined with being dense makes him a little innocent..

Nayeon was trying her hardest to think of the other men in her life... which is Y/n

While eating together Nayeon would steal glances at Y/n and in their previous conversations she believed Y/n had more of a innocent but mature and all knowing vibe

When she finally got to know him... Y/n gave that 'I'm always here for you and would never leave you but I'm clingy' vibe... if that was possible, and Nayeon thought that it's absolutely adorable

"You have something in your mind? You keep looking at me" Y/n pointed out at Nayeon as Nayeon plays it off

"You have a little smudge on your face"

"Huh where?" Y/n wipes his face but nothing

"Here!" Nayeon hit her ice cream on Y/n's mouth as she runs away

"Are you kidding me?!" Y/n said with a obvious smile and chased Nayeon out of her shadow form

While running these two were spotted by Fang..

Fang simply clicks his tongue and tries walking away until

"Let me see her"

Dante was speaking as he walks over to Nayeon

"Nay-" Before Dante could finish his call for Nayeon Y/n ran up and back hugged Nayeon

"I caught you little rascal!"Y/n said as Nayeon laughs loudly while having Y/n on her back

"See now?" Fang looked back and walked away

Fang went to a more secret training place in the north

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