Assistance and Missions (7)

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Dante, Y/n, and Irene were eating out at a restaurant near the weapon market as they wait for the other girls

"Are you sure those girls will come here? It's been like 10 minutes already" Dante wanted to explore and go around the island

"Well they really like to eat these types of food... we can explore later now that we have our identification cards" Irene said as Y/n was sitting still minding his own business

"Hey teach wanna talk about something?" Dante said as Y/n kept his eyes closed

"Is he sleeping?" Dante asked as Irene shrugged

"Y/n?" Irene started shaking Y/n's shoulder

"A wah- NOT THE TURTLES!" Y/n suddenly woke up from his daze

Everyone looks at Y/n as some people start whispering while the two laugh

"What happened?! The turtles were being caught by literal alligators!" Y/n said as the two stopped laughing

"That got dark fast" Dante said as Irene agreed

"What happened? Was I daydreaming?" Y/n asked as the two nodded their heads

"This is embarrassing...." Y/n hides his face with his hands

While that was going on 9 girls and 1 man enter the restaurant

"Woah look at this playboy..." Irene said as she glares at Jean

"You know him?" Dante asked as Irene shook her head

"Know wh-" Y/n went silent after seeing the 9 girls

"I feel a bit queasy now..." Y/n said as Dante stares at a bag

"Dante you alright?" Irene asked as Dante couldn't shake his gaze to the girls is bag

Dante was snapped out of his gaze when Y/n held his shoulder

"Ah what? Did I do something bad?" Dante said as Irene shook her head

"Are you alright Dante?" Irene asked again as Y/n put his head back down on the table

"You should be asking teach that.. he doesn't look so good"

"He seems alright to me" Irene said as Y/n groaned

"I don't think the girls are gonna come here... let's check a different restaurant" Dante said as the three got up and left to another restaurant Irene would think they would be in


"That was a bit weird.." Chaeyoung said as she holds up her bag

"That guy was just staring at our bag..."

"I think the guy was staring at me I don't know about you girls" Nayeon said with confidence

"Yeah we get it you think your pretty" Jeongyeon said as she cringes

"What do you mean 'think' Jeong?" Nayeon glared at Jeongyeon

"Girls calm down... we are here for...." Jihyo said as the others check their menu's

"Woah they have some cool dishes I have never heard of before" Mina said as Jean points to a dish

"Remember when you always ask for this from my mother?" Jean said as Mina blushes while Jean smiles and gets closer to her

"How's... Momo are you ok?" Jihyo asked as Momo was drooling over a dish that wasn't even here yet

"I need this" Momo simply said as asks for a waiter

9 Queens of the sea [ TWICE X MALE READER ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora