A little about myself to share with others

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My name is Marciella H. and I'm 21 years old.
I like lots of things and I dislike a lots of things too.
I have 3 sisters and I love them very much with all my heart.
I've never really had a father in my life and I'm okay with that.
People tell me that I'm a friendly person, but that's hard to believe.
My favorite color is the rainbow, but its mainly blue and purple.
I enjoy going outside and looking at nature because I think it's beautiful.
My mother has always been there for me and my sisters when my step-father is never around.
I try to work jobs so I can help my mom pay bills because we don't have alot, but somehow we manage.

This book is a way that I can talk about my problems and what I faced and I know that others have faced more terrible things then I have, but I have been stressed as of late and just wanted to share.

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