how I feel about the world we live in

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I know that people won't really see this but I want people to love each other and not hate each other. People are so cruel to everyone that they do terrible things and regret it later on. I have always showed others kindness but got nothing in return and I was okay with people walking all over me like I was a bug that needed to be crushed. I didn't show others the real me and how I felt. All I did was wear a pretty fake face with a smile but on the inside I was crying for help. For someone to save me,but I never told anyone how I felt and I still don't. I've lost so much in my life and have giving so much that I'm just broken deep down. People will never treat others nicely and I know that. When I was younger it was different but now that it's 2021 stuff has just turned down right awful and it hurts to see what this world has come to. People who are not getting what they want so they hurt others to get something out of it. Who knows maybe we'll have a civil war on our hands in my country but that's only because people are being selfish about stupid things.

I'm tired to I'm doing to bed goodnight everyone and have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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