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I couldn't move, I couldn't think, the words Shizu-Chan just yelled continued to repeat themselves in my head. His words filled me with what was either immense joy or exstream panic, I couldn't breathe. Shizuo looked just as panicked as I did his cheeks were red with embarrassment and his eyes wide with fear: He looked like a movie character that just accidentally killed someone and I guess in a way he kind of had, I certainly didn't feel alive after that.

Exactly what was I supposed to do now I mean part of me wanted to scream for joy. The guy I loved just told me he liked me, he had written a whole song about me, and yet I was still scared. what if it was all just a prank, a way to get back at me for all the crappy things I've done to him...

No pov:
Izaya decided to take the emotionally safe road and put on an annoyed expression and said "very funny Shizu-Chan, finally decided to try using your brain huh" Shizuo's expression changed to one of hurt and Izaya wondered if he was wrong about this. This thought was confirmed by the soft and hurt voice of Shizuo "w-what, I would never do that'' his voice sounded almost hysteric now "I couldn't even think of something like that"! Izaya wanted to believe that but couldn't just give in and end up getting killed, so he crossed his arms and gave Shizuo a stern and challenging look before speaking.

"Do you really expect me to believe that"
"You really think i'm going to believe that you wrote me a song and have been seemingly in love with me for god knows how long"
"Um ya im mean I just said it... and it's been since high school"

Izaya pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Shizu-Chan, you can not expect me to-"
"Look Izaya I really like you so please tell me what I need to do to make you believe me"?
Izaya hesitated for a moment before slowly saying.
"I guess if you had some evidence to support your claims, I would believe you"
"Um, what is that and how do I do it"?
Izaya sighed.
"It means to do, say, or bring in something that proves you are telling the truth"
"Oh, I can do that"
"I'm sure you ca-"

Izaya's sentence was cut off as Shizuo captured his lips with a kiss, holding him against the wall by his upper arms. Izaya was shocked by the sudden action but melted into the kiss nonetheless, slowly accepting the claim Shizuo had made, though he wasn't completely sure his mind was functioning properly right now. When Shizuo pulled back from their impromptu kiss he was smiling nervously and had a hopeful but scared look in his eyes, Izaya's own features reflected the hopeful but scared emotions but that was overshadowed by shock. They stared at each other for a few moments before Shizuo spoke, his voice reflecting his emotions "was that enough proof" Izaya merely nodded, still too stunned to speak. They once again lapsed into silence both slowly recovering from the shock and adrenaline that had just come to pass. It didn't take long for Shizuo to get over his Tornado of emotions and nervously ask Izaya "so, now that you believe me can you tell me how you feel"? Izaya took a deep breath before whispering out "I like you too". Shizuo's face brightened and Izaya smiled softly, as they both soaked up the joy that this information brought.

After a few moments of silence Shizuo slowly took Izaya's hand and asked "so what do we do now" Izaya looked up at him with a mischievous glint in his eyes and cheerfully jump forward, rap his arms around Shizuo's neck, and wisper "we do this" before once again joining their lips in a kiss, this one far more passionate than the last.


"Shizuo senpai has been gone for a long time" verona stated while looking at her superior Tom Tanaka, Tom nodded his head while absently saying "i'm sure he's just in the bathroom". Verona looked down and frowned. Tom notest her distress and sighed "we can check on him if you want" Veronas face brightened, kinda, and she nodded as they began walking to the restrooms to intercept her blond friend.

As the pair came to a stop in front of the mens restroom a strange "hmm" could be heard. Tom frowned at the sound but pushed the door open anyway and in doing so his eyes were met by the sight of Shizuo and a strange man whose face he could not see making out. Both Tom and Verona's eyes widened at the strange sight before Tom yelled "Shizuo what the hell are you doing, you just sang a song about the man you love and now you're making out with some stranger"! Shizuo spun around quickly shock evident on his face, Verona glared at the man angrily agreeing with Tom's statement and Shizuo sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the annoyed voice of none other than Izaya Orihara as he stade "you can go home without him, were going on a walk". He promptly grabbed Shizuo's hand and pulled him out of the restroom. Verona and Tom had no words.

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