Chapter 4: How To Train Your Genin

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Lunch ended and the newly graduated genin all filed back inside of the classroom to find that there was a group of adults already there waiting on them. Team 10 decided that now was as good a time as any to start working like a team and sat in the same row next to each other while most of the others were still spread out around the classroom. After everyone reentered, Iruka took the front of the class again.

"Alright everyone." Iruka started, "The men and women standing before you are your jounin sensei for your duration as genin. Remember to work hard and remember everything you've learned through your time here in the Academy." With that, the jounin started going down the line taking their teams away by the number indicated.

"Team 8?" A beautiful raven-haired woman with remarkable red eyes said. She had on a mesh blouse with one long sleeve and a missing other underneath a broad, bandage looking material that had a pattern of thorns on it. She had bandages wrapped around her upper thighs and her hands up to her elbows, "I'm your jounin instructor, Yuhi Kurenai, come with me and we'll get started."

Kiba, Hinata, and Shino all stood up and walked out of the room with the woman when Sakura stood up, "Um, you skipped Team 7. What about our sensei?"

All of the remaining jounin shook their heads with amusement etched on their faces as the next man stepped forward, "You guys are going to be waiting a while for him to show up. Anyway, Team 10? I'm Sarutobi Asuma and I'm your sensei, so follow me."

Naruto, Ino, and Shikamaru stood up and followed him out with Shikamaru giving a small wave to Chouji before they left for luck to him and how he would fare on his own team. Shikamaru was still worried about leaving his oldest friend like that all on his own, but he had to worry about himself at the moment and how he was going to do on his own team.

Naruto looked at the bearded man they were following oddly, as if he were supposed to be familiar or something, "Hey, have we met before?" Naruto asked with his eyes closed in confusion. The man chuckled at the diminutive blonde, "Hey, what's funny?"

"You must not have a very good short term memory eh kid?" The man said as they started walking outside. When he saw Naruto's face scrunch up in thought, "We met yesterday kid. You were outside of the Hokage Tower and ran into me after messing with my nephew."

"Huh?" Naruto was still confused before he started piecing together what Asuma had just said along with his last name, "Wait, you're Konohamaru's uncle? Then that means you're the Hokage's son right?"

Asuma sighed, "Well that's not what we were really talking about but yes, I am the Hokage's son."

"Wow." Naruto said with a grin on his face, "So you must be like a younger, more awesome version of Hokage-jiji right?"

Asuma broke into laughter at hearing that. If nothing else Naruto was going to be entertaining to have around on his team, "Well I don't really know about that. I don't even fight anything like the old man to be quite honest with you, but I do in my own humble opinion think I'm quite strong."

Ino gave Naruto a chiding look, "Naruto why would you call Hokage-sama that? That's disrespectful to his status in the village."

Naruto shrugged, "It's just what I've always called him. Ever since I was a little kid I've been calling him Hokage-jiji whenever he came to see me and he never corrected me on it so I guess he liked it or something."

Now Shikamaru and Ino had something else to think about. Why did the Hokage spend that much time with Naruto when he was little? Sure he was an orphan and everything, but for Naruto to be comfortable about calling the man such a familiar name in passing… that's a whole different level of acquaintance.

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