Chapter 8: Do the Wave

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The morning after Tazuna's story about Inari's stepfather Kaiza and what had happened to Nami no Kuni, Naruto was outside bright and early with his clones in a single-file line as he could practice his more devastating attacks until someone else came out and his day could get officially started.

Another of Naruto's clones walked up to him to go through a walkthrough of one of Naruto's moves. It stepped in with a front kick that Naruto caught and spun through to smash it in the face with a back elbow, dispelling it. His mind was firmly planted on the story he heard the previous night. Hearing about what Gato had done to a man trying to keep his land prosperous and free made Naruto sick. If he could get one clean shot a Gato while he was there he would freely take it.

Also hearing about Kaiza made Naruto wonder how Inari could say such a thing, that heroes didn't exist. If not then what had all of Kaiza's actions been? Had they served any purpose to the boy at all? Such a traumatic experience would obviously mess with his world-view, but if that was how he really felt, that they were going to die, then what did the little boy think was going to happen to his grandfather? Did he think he was just going to walk on home after they were all finished off? No, he was the real target. If Gato could kill Tazuna without even having to deal with the Konoha ninja sent he would. The only reason he even would possibly care about them would be because they would be protecting Tazuna.

Naruto continued to work his attacks with his clones until the front door opened to reveal the remnants of Team 10 and Team 7 coming out the door. As the boys headed out to the forest with Kakashi, Asuma walked over to Naruto and motioned for Ino and Sakura to walk over to him and for Naruto to do so as well, "Okay girls. You both did well learning tree-walking, but today you'll learn water-walking like Naruto here has. Naruto, if you would demonstrate?"

Dispelling his clones, Naruto walked to the edge of the dock and jumped off, landing on the surface with his feet, "It's like sticking to the tree, except because the water is always moving you have to match the amount of chakra you need to go with the flow of the water." He stopped and thought for a moment, "You're going to want to take your clothes off too."

"Naruto!" Ino and Sakura yelled at him, "We're not getting undressed out here you pervert!"

Naruto's cheeks heated up and he looked away, grateful he was standing on the water, something they couldn't do at the moment, "I didn't mean it like that you guys! I meant-. You know what, nevermind. Go ahead and do what you want." He jumped back on the dock and circled around so that he had Asuma as a buffer between him and the rather perturbed females, "I don't know why you're looking at me, get to it!" He hid behind Asuma when they glared at him.

'Don't play with fire kid…' Asuma thought to himself, "Alright, he's right. Both of you get started. Naruto, leave a clone here would you?"

Naruto did what he was asked, making a clone to watch over Sakura and Ino's progress. He sent it over to the edge of the dock where it sat down and waited for Sakura and Ino to start, "Oi!" He shouted to them before they could walk away, "Don't pop him." Sakura nodded and kept walking, "Ino…" He said dangerously.

Ino rolled her eyes, "Fine, I won't destroy your clone if I get pissed off. Happy?"

Naruto gave her a dry look, "No, not really." He and Asuma began to walk towards the house, "So what are we doing tod-?" He turned his head around quickly before they reached the porch, "Actually, hold on for a second." Naruto eagerly looked at Ino and Sakura and Asuma let out a small chuckle as he saw them both walk towards the water.

"So how do we do this Forehead?" Ino asked Sakura as they passed Naruto's Kage Bunshin, ignoring its knowing smirk.

"Naruto said it was like walking on the tree so it can't be that hard." Sakura said, trying to work out Naruto's advice, "Let's just do it."

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