no mutant cats were involved

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The Maggia. Art Heists. Wilson Fisk. Superpowers. Gwen turning her back on her. Captain Stacy pushing her head into the back of a police car just like her father 10 years before. Thief. Thief. THIEF.

A pair of hands clamping down upon Felicia Hardy's shoulder made her yelp in surprise, drawing her from the conversations in her head. The real Gwen, with her neat fringe and preppy clothes stood, raising an eyebrow at her friends paranoiac state. Felicia's facial features fell quickly, trying to compose herself. She was going to have to just blurt it out. What other way could she tell her?

"Hey.....are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" Gwen let out a small laugh, forgetting immediately that she'd agreed with herself to be mad at the girl.

"That would be easier" Felicia mumbled inaudibly closing her locker resting her forehead against the metallic door for a few moments. She then turned to her best friend, finally taking the jump. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah-yeah I think that's well over-due" Gwen nodded, her face wiping itself of the smile, a more serious position taking shape. This only served to make the entire situation worse for Felicia. With an anxiety ridden groan, she led her friend through the crowds of people, to an empty science lab, closing the door behind them. With a deep breath, she swiveled around in her black knee high boots, looking directly at Gwen's blue eyes that looked back expectantly.

"Alright..." She mumbled, starting to pace unconsciously back and forth, fidgeting with her hands. She stopped once in awhile turning as if she was about to say something before she continued on her pace. Gwen frowned, leaning against the lab table, watching her friends strange behavior.


"I know, I know, It's just hard to-uh" She motioned in front of her, expecting the words to come with it, but of course they did not. "I don't know how to say it" The more Gwen watched, the more she began to get an odd dense of deja vu. The night Peter told her he was Spider-Man. Dear God.....It was then that everything slid violently into place. Hanging up the phone all the time. Cancelling plans. An image of her flipping agilely backwards over and over in the cheer team.

"Are you trying to tell me you're the Black Cat?...." Gwen whispered, her mouth agape. Felicia stopped in her pace in alarm, seeing the recognition between her friend's two eyes.

"Well..." She ran her hands through her hair, before her eyes rose widening immediately a scream threatening to escape her lips. "GWEN MOVE!" Before the blonde could react to what she thought had been a mundane day at school, half of the wall behind her broke apart, and Felicia darted forward pushing her out of the way. Her breath caught in her throat, as the mutant lizard that had been Dr Connors towered over Felicia. She turned her head briefly, a few moments too many. "RUN!" In the moment her eyes looked at Gwen, Connors moved forward outstretching his claws, throwing the girl through the wall into the next room. Gwen's eyes widened, letting out a yell of distress.

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