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The train ride was peaceful especially since Hina had been able to snag a compartment alone. During the ride Hina decided it would be smarter to enrol online to avoid having to talk to a person more than she has to.

The enrolment was easy to cross academy though she had to twist the truth a little for some things. There was still quite a bit left for her trip so she decided to watch her favourite movie ,Holes for the probably the hundredth time. She enjoyed the plot twist at the end about zero.

*time skip*

The train had finally come to the station in the small town awakening Hina from the nap she took after her movie. She grabbed her bag and headed off the train trying to squeeze through the small crowd, glaring at an old man that was looking at her pervertedly.

Hina decided to stop at a cafe before she did the walk to cross academy. She ordered a black coffee finding sugar useless and sat down at one of the tables. She looked around and saw a boy at one of the other tables in a pure white uniform, odd colour choice she couldn't help but think due to him looking like a student and students can be messy.

The boy was blonde and looked kind with a big smile on his face. Hina finished her coffee as well as the boy so they got up at the same time. Hina decided to ask the boy if he was a student at cross academy and if she could have directions, the boy had already walked out so Hina quickly followed "excuse me" Hina said to the boy causing him to stop and look at her "I saw your uniform and wondered if you were a student at cross academy, I just enrolled there and was hoping for directions" Hina quickly explained, the boy smiled at her "yeah I'm in cross academy I was just heading there I wouldn't mind if you came along oh and my name is Takuma ichijo what's yours" Takuma said back to her "I'm Hina and thank you" Hina said Boeing in thanks

The two walked to the academy with occasional conversation. Takuma asked quite a few questions about where she was from and he got excited when she told him that she liked a certain type of tea that many had deemed weird.

The two finally came across a gate that amazed Hina due to its size and beauty. Takuma opened the gate and lead Hina inside. "Would you want me to bring you to the headmasters office it's quite a big campus so it can be confusing your first time" Takuma offered. "That would be really appreciated Takuma" Hina said slightly relieved due to her poor sense of direction.

Hina and Takuma walked together with Takuma giving Hina advice about the campus and explaining the day and night class to her.

They reached the main building making Hina slightly uncomfortable at the size. They walked through the halls which were quiet due to everyone being in class.

True reached the headmasters office where they could hear yelling inside and both agreed that waiting would be a good idea.

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