Cross academy

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The two waited patiently for whoever was yelling in the headmasters office. Hina could make out two voices yelling "do you have any idea who those people are" she asked referring to the door making Takuma think for a moment. "If I had to guess I would say the female one is Yuki and the male being zero they part of disciplinary committee that I told you about" Takuma told her.

The yelling had finally stopped causing Hina and Takuma to look to the door. Takuma knocked on the door, they heard a voice call out for them to come in. Takuma opened the door and let Hina go in first following after her. Hina saw three people in the office, a man was sitting in a desk who she guessed was the headmaster, there was a girl and boy in the room as well who she guessed are the disciplinary committee or Yuki and Zero.

"Hello how may I help you" the headmaster asked her "I'm Hina I enrolled earlier online" she told him walking to the desk. "Ah of course I've been waiting for you, I have here you're school books, uniform, and everything else you need" he said grabbing a box next to his desk which he handed to Hina.

"Um Yuki will you show Hina to her dorm, Hina this is Yuki my daughter and part of disciplinary committee of you need anything you can ask her or Zero the brooding boy over there" the headmaster said gesturing to the other people in the room. "Hi I'm Yuki if you want I can take one of your bags" Yuki introduced. "I'll be alright, um could we go now I'm tired after the trip here" Hina said smiling to Yuki.

The two left with Yuki bidding the boys still in the office goodbye. Hina noticed that Takuma wasn't there anymore. As the girls walked they became better aquatinted with Yuki asking a lot of questions about Tokyo.

The girls had just got to the outside of the dorm when Yuki asked Hina if she didn't mind if they took a quick detour.

Yuki explained that she had to watch over the switch over of the two classes. This confused Hina slightly since she didn't understand why they had to be watched.

Hina got even more confused when she heard the screaming.

She saw a crowd of people gathered around a gate.

She was thinking that the night class might be celebrities or something.

She asked Yuki why.

"Well most members of the day class find the night class quite um how do I say, easy on the eyes"

"All that screaming just for good looking people don't they get boring after a while" Hina said trying to wrap her head around it.

Yuki simply shrugged not able to explain the vampire charm to her.

Hina's ears were starting to hurt from the screaming. She was starting to feel bad for the night class.

Yuki asked Hina to wait by a tree in the courtyard. Hina happily obliged since being around the crowd seemed very undesirable.

She watched as Yuki disappeared into the crowd clearing a path through the middle with the help of Zero.

She watched as the gate opened, wincing at the creaking of it. She could only see the tops of the night classes heads.

As the night class got out of the crowd she couldn't help but notice that they were all indeed attractive. Though she didn't think they were attractive enough to gain the reaction that they did.

She noticed Takuma walking beside someone that seemed like the leader of the group.

Takuma noticed her standing by the tree and waved smiling brightly.

This surprised her since he seemed to be talking to the guy beside him. She waved back not noticing the weird looks that she was getting.

The guy beside Takuma looked at her weirdly as if he had never seen Yakuma react to someone like that.

Takuma started to walk over to Hina which made her cringe internally since the other boy followed him.

"Hey Hina, what are you dong here" Takuma said once he got close to her.

"I'm waiting for Yuki to finish up, she's supposed to be showing me to my dorm" Takuma nodded at her answer glancing at where Yuki was still dealing with the day class.

"Ok this is Kaname Kuran the president for the night class" Takuma introduced gesturing to the boy beside him that was still looking at Hina weirdly.

"Hello there I'm Hina, it's good to meet you" Hina introduced putting her hand out.

Kaname calmly shook her hand.
"Likewise, may I ask will you be joining the night class"

Hina got confused by this since he was the dorm president he would know.

"Uh no"

This simply seemed to made him more confused.

Luckily Yuki came by at that moment.

"Hey Hina you ready to go"

Hina nodded to her and picked up her bags.

She said goodbye to Takuma and Kaname.

The two girls walked peacefully with Yuki talking the whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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