The Stolen Car

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 The screen flickered to life, showing a still of Steve and Natasha in a car. Immediately, the room burst into whispers and conversations. Both of the Avengers who were shown were shocked.

  "Where are we?" Steve asked to no one in particular. The people around him, a dark-skinned man with a confused expression on his face, a blonde woman who looked a little familiar, and some half a dozen or so SHIELD agents looked shocked, then shrugged.

  Steve could see Natasha's vibrant red hair all the way down four rows. She wasn't talking, only staring firmly ahead at the image of both Avengers. Suddenly, the still became a video and Natasha started talking. A hush descended upon the gathered crowd. 

  Natasha asked Steve where he learned to steal a car. The super soldier tells her Nazi Germany. 

  Tony gave Steve a quizzical look. "You stole cars in World War Two?" From his seat at the bottom of the room, Steve had to crane his neck uncomfortably to see the playboy. 

  "It's survival Stark. Plus, I tried to give them back."

  Tony snorted. "I doubt that," he said. Steve glared at him before turning his face around the the screen. His neck popped and he winced. 

  "Let's get a move on!" someone yelled from the crowd. Steve didn't want to turn his face again to find out, so he just leaned back and fixed his eyes on the still of him and Natasha .

  Steve tells her that they're borrowing it and tells her to get her feet off the dash. Natasha obeys.

  "You actually did that?" Steve asked the spy. He had to half yell across the fifteen feet distance between them, but Natasha rolled her eyes and sat back into the cushions. 

  "I listen sometimes," she said coolly to the captain. 

   Steve realized that all the eyes in the room were on him, and it made him self-conscious. He gestured to the screen. "Let's continue."

Natasha says she has a question for him. She says that he doesn't need to answer because she believes that if he doesn't answer it he'll be kind of answering it.

  "That was confusing," a chirpy voice said. It came from near Stark, so begrudgingly Steve twisted his neck back to that area. It clearly wasn't the billionaire. Instead, the voice seemed to belong to the child sitting right behind the superhero. 

  What was a child doing here? Steve twisted his torso a little more so he could stay in his position without pain. He examined the kid. He seemed to have a bouncy energy about him, with ruffled brown hair and brown eyes like a seal. 

  Natasha glanced at the boy. Speaking in her impassive voice she said, "I try to be," she told him, before gracefully glancing back at the far wall. 

  The child squealed. The sound didn't echo, like Steve though it would. It just hung in the air before vanishing. Noticing all the eyes on him, the kid retreated into the safety of a couple behind him, probably his parents, blushing. 

  Tony sighed and put his head in his hands. He muttered something to Rhodes, who smiled slightly before patting Stark on the back. 

   Steve asks what it is.

   Tony clapped his hands. Steve knew it was Tony without having to turn around because he knew that no one in this room was as carefree as Tony. Except for maybe the kid. Steve blew into his hands. "Finally!" the billionaire crowed. "We get to hear the wonderful question!"

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