An Elevator and a Chat

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  In a dark back corner of the room, a certain god of mischief was sulking. He had good reason too! He had lost - well maybe not lost, but had been temporarily set back, and he was now sitting in a room full of weird people and his enemies.  

  So yeah, Loki was upset. And to add to his mood, at the end of the last scene, he had been teleported to nowhere near the rest of the Asgardians. But then again, was that a bad thing? They were not the best company to keep, that was for sure. But was the place where he had been seated yet another reminder of how different he was?

   He hoped he wouldn't be humiliated like the Captain. The Star-Spangled Man with a Plan, put to shame by a few witty words about love. It was hilarious and worrying at the same time. 

  Loki put his head in his hands and stared straight ahead towards the Asgardians. They were all seated in the row directly in front of Loki's section. Loki himself was not sitting next to Frost Giants, but next to shadowy figures Loki should have been able to see.

   One of them was definitely wearing his helmet. Or at least something close to it. Curved horns stretched to the roof. Loki grinned. Maybe this was a supporter. Someone who would help Loki rise to the top once again! 

   Maybe he could even dethrone Thanos if he gained enough followers. 

   Loki sighed as he removed his hands from his face. He rested them delicately on the armrests of the seat, tapping his index finger against the cushion. The screen was taking so long to start up! Midgard was terribly inferior. Which is why, under Loki's reign, he'd make it better. 

  He could still hear some chatter from where the Captain was sitting. Loki rolled his eyes. Just hurry up already. The talking continued on. Loki was now tempted to scream at them to, "Kneel and take their rightful place in the world as Loki's servants so they could watch the so-called 'future' in peace!"

  But he kept quiet, because all eyes would be on him and his dignity, now torn to shreds. And that would be worse than owning a puppy. However, owning a puppy would also be a chance to yell at people as well. If someone forgot he had a dog his followers could just scream at them, saying, "It's his dog! Oh my God, educate yourself!" That would be fun. 

   Loki snapped to attention as a bright white glare filled his vision. Blinking away the spots, he drew back as he realized that the screen had flashed to life. And was showing both Loki and Thor. Exactly what he was afraid of. 

   But what exactly did Thor do with his hair? It looked even more horrendous than his current hairstyle. Did he want to impress Odin? Or his new Avenger buddies? Whatever the reason, Loki shuddered at the look. At least his own hair was still the same. 

  There was a confused muttering from around him. Despite the fact that Loki should have heard the person seated right next to him, all he could hear were jumbled bits of words. But the explosion of chatter in the sect in front of Loki was what took up most of his attention. 

  He could hear mad laughter - Stark probably. A sigh of relief barely audible, which was most likely the Captain. The Asgardians were laughing too, deep rumbles that filled the room. And if Loki craned his head, he could just barely see Thor clutching locks of his ugly - but still better looking - hair. 

   The scene moves and Loki jolts back. 

  Loki says he's better off here, in Sakaar. 

  "Where?" comes the loud shout of Iron Man. Where is a very good question, Loki muses. He's never heard of it before. And to think that Loki, savior of the people, freer of freedom, has never heard of a place before is preposterous. 

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