How It Begins

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Westley’s POV

      My feet pounded hard against the pavement, My chest screamed as I ran fast gasping for air. All I heard were the muffled screams of my father telling me if I did not come back he would kill me.

     I know what you're thinking, he would never do such a thing but I have no doubt in my mind he would not kill me. 

When dad was to get drunk there was no explaining what he may do. Whether it was beating us senseless, Tying us up to tree’s and and hitting us with belt’s or whatever he could fine until we bled. 

Throwing us into glass tables or better yet, pointing guns to our heads. 

Ive been held at gunpoint by him multiple times. 

See, I’m a triplet to two other girls. Winter and Walker. 

A couple years ago Walker was killed by my father. He shot her in the head in front of us all. I’ll never forget the day, seeing my sister’s blood splatter all over my body. Watching her lay in her own pool of blood. Her body lay there limp and lifeless. 

Oh the chills that get sent through my whole body as I’m reminded of that memory I have tried so hard to forget. 

I always blame myself for what has happened to her. I know it wasn’t my fault or so other people say. I believe that I could have stopped it from happening but I did not do my best to stop it. Maybe that's why it bothers me and gives me nightmares every night. The way I felt that day I’ll never forget how shockingly numb and confused I felt. I still do, It just does not seem real to me. No matter how hard I try and accept the fact she's gone I can’t seem to find that closure with myself. 

Everytime I’m reminded of that day it fucks me up. I can’t most nights because of it anymore. 

Sometimes I don’t even try.

My sister’s and I had it worse than my two older brothers and my older sister. They turned out to not be my fathers kids. 

Lucky them, right?

I finally made my way running up the stairs to the only house I know.


Holton and I have been friends since kindergarten. Don’t ask me how we became friends because I don’t even know how it happened myself. It’s kind of a funny story actually. He tried hitting me with a chair because I was picking on his twin sister Annabelle. 

Annabelle and I know eachother pretty well If you know what I mean. Nothing sexual at least not yet. I just like her, Shes beautiful and funny. But if Holton ever knew that then things would turn into a whole volcano eruption. 

Right now I don’t need things like that happening. Especially with my time in need of having someone there for me.

Do I sound selfish? 

I knock on the door leaning against it trying to catch my breath. I look down watching blood drip down from my hand. I looked at my busted open bleeding knuckles which made me gag and want to throw up. My eyes scanned down my hand where it was split open by the glass from the coffee table my dad threw me into. 

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