Chapter Eight: A World Anew

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Before I go on, I want to thank my new bouncy friend @Daisyle125 for helping me along with this chapter! All of your comments are appreciated! If any of you want a spot in my story, comment and I'll work your OC into the story. (Only one per chapter will most likely, unless there's a big event coming up, which there will be ☺️ enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to send a viable team!) Author Note over!

As I get up from my bed with Bolt beside me. I feel as though something happened. What though, I can't pinpoint exactly. I eat my breakfast like normal and go outside to see some of my Pokémon battling each other. The crimson Froakie is battling my Chimchar, and winning.

With one swift pound, Chimchar fell to the ground. I walk over to the two, and lift up Chimchar with care. It seems grumpy that he lost, "Hey, it's okay. Froakie has a type advantage over you. Seeing Froakie, you put up a good fight!"
He smiles at me and hugs me. "You seem very deserving of a name.... Hmmm... How about Blitz?"

The monkey Pokémon thought for a second and smiles, giving a cute little nod. "Blitz it is then!" I notice Froakie start to breathe a little heavy, "Huh? You all right, Froakie?" It was then he started to glow a bright white light, and grows bigger. Again, I had to cover my eyes. But when I'm able to look again, Froakie has evolved into a Frogadier!

"Woah...!" Nick says behind me, "That was amazing! Is that what evolution looks like?"

I chuckle, and tussle his hair, "Yep! That's what Hindu did when he evolved as well."

"C-Can we battle? I haven't been able to yet.."

"Of course, cuz'!" I say, stepping away onto battle position, "Send out your first Pokémon!"

He nods with a determined look on his face, "Let's go, Bulbasaur!" The little Pokémon makes its way in front of Nick.

"Bolt! Let's battle!" I say.

"Pika!" He says with a happy and excited look on his face.

"Okay, Nick. You can have the first move!"

"Okay... Bulbasaur! Use.. Tackle!" Bolt manages to outmaneuver Bulbasaur and he charges.

"Bolt! Use Thunderbolt!" He sparks up his cheeks and tried to release a large charge of electricity.

"Quick! Grab it with your vines and slam it to the ground!" Surprisingly, Bulbasaur's vines nab Bolt midair, and slams him to the dirt. Bolt's weakened, but still manages to stand up!

"Bolt! Quick Attack into Flash!"

"Ah! Buddy, dodge it!" He tries his hardest to move out of the way, bit Bolt speeds to him and releases a flash of light that disorients him.

"Great job! Now use Thunderbolt!" With Bulbasaur still blinded, he manages to hit him, but the bolt is way to big and powerful to be and ordinary Thunderbolt?

Sadly, Bulbasaur falls on its stomach, not getting up. Nick rushes to its side, "H-Hey... Buddy...? A-Are you okay...?"

"Nick... I'm sorry..."

I can hear him sniffle a bit, "N-no it's fine, Y/n..." He picks up the fainted Pokémon, wiping the tear from his eye, "I think I should train by myself until I feel comfortable battling you. Thank you, Y/n."

I go up to him and hug him, "Of course, Nick.. You did great."

"I did..?"

"Yeah! I could tell that you were nervous, but you overcame that. I'm proud of you, cuz'..."

Nick is silent for a minute and smiles widely at me, a tear building up, "Thank you, Y/n!"

"U-Um... Excuse me...!" A mysterious voice says from behind me, two girls walk up to us, one with an Eevee, and one with a Chimchar in her arms. The girl with the Eevee spoke.

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