Chapter 4; Observation

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Right as I was finishing my food, I heard my phone ring, muffled in my pocket.

I quickly stood up to answer it.
"Wait!- Everlast, where are you going?" Midoriya asked curiously, staring at the phone in my hand.
"Er.. it's just a phone call. I'll be back." I responded sternly, walking a good distance away from the rest of the group.

"Hello," I said, answering the phone and putting it up to my ear.
"Have you infiltrated the school yet?" A mystery voice asked.

I looked around, making sure nobody was watching, before answering.
"Of course, I'm beginning the research on the students today. This 'Midoriya' student should come in handy." I said confidently, smirking.
"Don't get cocky just get the job done. Quickly!!" the voice yelled.
"Alright, alriight, just don't forget about your end of the deal," I said calmly, my voice a bit quieter.

I hung up the phone.

As soon as I came back to the group, Tokoyami and Jirou spotted me.
They ran up to me, "Hey! We got some time left, let's head to class and have you sit next to us again!" Jirou exclaimed happily.
"-Yeah, cmon!!" Added Tokoyami.

"Alright. I'll go ahead and tell the others I'm heading back to class.. hang on a sec." I told them, before walking back to the table.

"Hey Midoriya, I'm heading back to class so-"
"-Oh, ok! I'll come with you then!!" Midoriya yelled, interrupting me.. once again.

'Jeez.. This kid just doesn't keep it together.

I guess it might come in handy, though..' I thought to myself.

"Er-.. Ok then, let's go." I responded, trying to hide my annoyance.
"Aww, leaving already, Deku?" Asked Uraraka.
Midoriya nodded. "Yeah! Me and Everlast are just heading to cla-"

I felt petty, so I decided to interrupt him.
"Everlast and I, is the correct phrase Midoriya." I said, cockily.

'Take that, a taste of your own medicine for change!' I thought to myself, smirking.

"Oh, you're right! Thanks!
Everlast and I.. will be heading to class! Bye Uraraka!" He said, correcting himself.

'Damnit, he wasn't even upset..' I thought to myself, frowning.

As we walked back to Tokoyami and Jirou, I noticed Uraraka staring at us. She seemed a bit tense.

'I better get on her good side soon, I'm not sure what she's capable of yet.' I thought, before going back to focus.

"Ah, I see you brought Midoriya with you." stated Tokoyami.
"It's kinda cool seeing you two get along! You're like.. totally polar opposites!" Added Jirou.

"Eh.. I guess-" I said, looking off to the side.

"We better hurry so we can pick our seats!!"
Exclaimed Midoriya.

As we started walking back, I decided to ask a bit more about everyone's quirks.
"So, I noticed that class 1-A had the highest ranking for the festival, you guys must have pretty strong quirks right..?" I asked, trying to seem casual.
"Yeah! Everyone in this class is so strong. I'm so happy to be friends with them!" Midoriya responded, beaming.
"Well.. not everyone. Bakugo's an aggressive guy, so I prefer not talking to him." Added Tokoyami.

"That's interesting. How so..?" I asked.

"Bakugo is veryyy strong because of his quirk, but he definitely doesn't have people skills!!" Jirou said, chuckling.

At that moment, it caught me.
I could simply ask Midoriya for his notebook, since he had information on everybody's quirks.

"Haha- say, Izuku,
learning about everyone is quite fascinating.
I would love to learn more!

So, could I borrow your notebook sometime?" I asked, acting as casually as I could.

Tokoyami and Jirou looked back a bit surprised.

Midoriya gasped, sparkles in his eyes.
Being frank, it was a bit adorable.
"Wow! You called me Izuku!! Does that mean we're on first name basis already?!

I can't believe it, that means we really are friends Rin!" He said excitedly, grabbing my hands.
"Of course you can use my notebook! Anytime you need!" He smiled.

"Great to hear." I responded.

Once we were in class, I noticed that the only other kids there were a red-head, and a pink alien chick.

"Hey there!! Your the new kid right?
..Everlast, was it?" The pink girl asked, before intros herself.
"I'm Mina Ashido! It's a pleasure to meet ya!"

"-Oh, and I'm Kirishima!" The red haired boy added, exposing his pointy, shark-like teeth.

"Err.. nice to meet you two aswell." I answered, nodding to the both of them.

As we sat down, Izuku began searching for his notebook.
"Hmmmm.. Here! You can give it back tomorrow!" Izuku said, handing it to me.

[After school in the dorms.]

"Y-You're.. A GIRL?! " Screamed Uraraka, shocked.

"Ah.. Well actually, I don't really have a gender, but technically I was female at birth." I explained.
"OH- Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to offend you or anything!!!" she squealed, red in embarrassment.

"Haha, you're good.. I'm gonna head into my room now, I'm a bit tired.
See you tomorrow, Uraraka." I smiled at her, before walking away.
"O-ok, hehe.. bye, Everlast!" She yelled out to me, flustered.

"Finally. " I sighed, entering the room.
I grabbed my phone, and put Izuku's notebook on a table.

Click. Click.

I began taking pictures of the front and back of every page in the notebook, a grin forming on my face.

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