Chapter 6; The L.O.V

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We quickly ran over to the woman screaming. "Whats wrong Ma'm?" Jirou asked her worried. "Vi-Villians...A girl with 2 buns began sucking blood out of a poor brown haired girl!" The bystander exclaimed. "Eh? This weakling is probably talking about pink cheeks" Katuski Scoffed.

"Ma'm let's take you to safety" Jirou told the bystander while helping her up. "I'll help people leave the amusement park, you guys should hurry back!" Jirou told us. "Alright, be careful jirou!" Tokoyami said as we began making our way back to go check on Uraraka.

Thats when I saw her, my bestfriend was laying on the floor bleeding.

I stood there frozen while the others rushed over to Uraraka, she was bleeding from the neck but it wasn't serious. I watched a Izuku was hurting Dabi and Todoroki and Iida were chasing down twice. I felt a huge wave of anger flowing over my body.

Quickly I ran over to Toga and had already made a scenario up in my head.

"Are you guys alright?! This is the L.O.V Right?" I asked them frantically. "Rin! Im glad your ok! We need to restrain the Villians for now since there are people inside the park. Shouldn't you use your quirk?" Izuku Asked me while breathing heavily.

"I- I er can't use my quirk in this situation Izuku! I wasn't here before this incident happened I didn't watch it with my own eyes.. im really sorry! I'll help fight off the villains until the pros get here though!" I answered trying to come up with an excuse.

"WHATEVER JUST DO SOMETHING YOU LOSER!" Katuski screamed blasting fire at Dabi.

As I looked over at Dabi he winked at me. But I quickly looked away before the others became suspicious.

I held Toga to the ground, she was injured. "Shes unconscious! Ill tie her up, does anyone have any rope?" I asked.

"You should go ask Momo, she's on the east side of the park with the others Everlast" uraraka groaned while getting up.

"Alright thank you Uraraka I have a first aid kit in my backpack you should go get it!" I replied with while I got up and picked Toga up.

I began running to the east side of the park while carrying Toga. I looked around and Noone was watching. "You need to be more careful idiot your gonna get hurt!" I whispered angrily to Toga. "Awww you care Rin" she laughed like a maniac. "shut up!" I whispered loudly while covering her mouth.

A felt a sudden pain in my hand. "You little...DID YOU BITE ME TOGA?!" I yelled at her. All she did was laugh like a little gremlin. I was annoyed enough that she almost got caught.

Finally I saw momo, she was on the phone, probably with the police knowing her capabilities. "Yaoyorozu I managed to grab Toga! She's unconscious for now so I need some rope from your quirk quick!" I instructed her. 

"Sure thing!" She replied. As she was making the rope I quickly told Toga, "run".

Toga had kicked me to the ground and I fell over. "Gah! Yaoyorozu she's escaping!" I yelled. Luckily it was just her around. "Ah! Oh no! Did you see where she went Everlast?" She asked frantically. "No sorry she kicked me to ground!" I replied with teary eyed. "T-thats alright let's make sure your ok for now.." she sighed while walking over.

As she was examining me she found a huge bruise on my ribs. "Oh dear..she must have kicked you very hard Everlast. Ill make some medicine!" Yaoyorozu told me.

That little freak kicked me way to hard. Honestly why am I even friends with her..."

As Yaoyorozu was applying the relief medication I realized it.

I should not have left my backpack to Uraraka.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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