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The Phoenix, Kiara Takahashi, known as the Immortal, but behind the immortality, a bitter truth is hidden.

Kiara, is the only one who know that she doesn't have infinite chance to return from dead, she only have 1000 chance to revive based by the Phoenix feather, but if she used it well and dont die uselessly, its almost same as eternity, she was Travelling in different world and different timeline, she can choose where and when she want to be live, but in the end she chose earth as her next destination, and its counted that Kiara had died 5 times.

When she came to earth, there is no human, because she come before the human was created, with the fire of life, she create lifeform, including human, but in the process, a woman in black with big schythe and pink hair is appeared, she said to Kiara that she must stop to make a lifeform, because its not the time for the lifeform to be created now, as a punishment, that woman in black takes the Kiara life, Kiara died but with her feather, she revived herself and choose the same place for her revival.

The woman in black, who thought her task was done, surprised with an anomaly in front of her, when her victim are return from the death, so she killed her again, but she keeps reviving that makes the girl in black mad, until she stopped on killing Kiara, and started to talk with her.

Kiara finally knows that woman in black name is Mori Calliope, she is the death herself, who takes someone's life when their time has come. They finally became friends, at least for Kiara, because she always annoy Mori, and Mori always gets mad when Kiara stars doing that, but deeply, she is happy because she finally have a friend.

Knowing that Kiara is an immortal, she didn't worry if Mori killed Kiara several times, because she sure Kiara will keeps reviving herself.

This love-hate relationship lasted for Millions of years, and finally human Civilization was born, But Kiara and Mori are still playing on each other like what they usually do, they live together watching the Civilization grow larger.

Mori is grateful that she's able to know Kiara in the past, because she may be lonely for a long time without any friend to interact, same with Kiara, she may befriend with the death herself, despite knowing that the death keeps killing her, and decreasing her feather constantly.

Kiara was counting her death, she was dead for 999 Times already, thats mean she only have 1 chance to lives, but she don't want to tell her secret to Mori, she want to give her best to making Mori annoyed before her last death,

"hey Mori, now you are not alone again, there is many human right now that always support you, you wont be alone again, even im not here anymore" said Kiara to Mori who watched the human from far away, like usual,

she reply it with harsh word "like i care, its better if you're not here, so you will stop pranking me!"

Kiara just smiled sadly and say "Still i wish to stay by your side, for eternity if you want and i will make you fall in love with me calli~"

Mori got irritated and just left kiara,but before she leave she replies with a irritated tone "Do as you wish kusotori" Mori is happy but got irritated for the strange feelings he felt when she said those words.

But deep inside, she cares, from prank to teasing, yes, Kiara is teasing Mori so hard by saying embarrassing word to her. Reaching her limit, she slash Kiara into her heart, but she revive from her death again, but now it's her last chance, if she died again, Kiara will die for sure, no other chance of reviving.

(A/N: For those who doesn't know what kusotori is it literally mean "shitbird")

Secretly, Kiara takes Mori scythe, and hid it somewhere in the Earth when Mori sleeping, when she wokes up, she realized that her scythe was gone, she know Kiara must be the culprit, Mori then fly and search for Kiara, she travels the whole world to get back her scythe, and she Will punish Kiara for what she had done, Mori then searched for her scythe for 50 years, and from that time, no human has died, and the population of human is increasing drastically.

Finally Mori arrived at the place when she first meet Kiara, and she was right, Kiara was here, holding her scythe and waiting for 50 years until Mori realized it, she's smiling to Mori and say "hello Calli-chan! It was been 50 years huh? I Miss you so much! Please hug and kiss me here~~", "Kiara.... Don't you know what you have done? You caused so much trouble for me and this world!!! Because you steal my scythe, i can't take human lives, and from that, no one has died in the last 50 years!!!!" Reply Mori furiously, she walks closer to Kiara, Kiara was causing too much problem for her, and Mori now pissed off, she takes back her schythe from Kiara hand, and swings her schythe from Kiara, hoping Kiara will stops her stupid doings that she always done to her.

Kiara, has fulfilled her wish to do her best prank to Mori, she have nothing to lose anymore, her reason to live is done.

As Mori swings her schythe to Kiara, Kiara says "thank you Mori for everything. Mori,I Love you so much" as well she end her words, Mori's schythe was slicing Kiara body, her blood was spurting from her wounds, a blood comes out from Kiara mouth, she falls and leaning to the wall, "its my time to go for sure Mori....., I love teasing you..... Watching your reaction.... good bye calli" Calli wait for her only friend to revive but then realized that she won't be able to revive
As mori stood there waiting for kiara to revive but nothing happened She soon finds out what she has done "No no no no no NO! You stupid bird come back...come back to me!" as she holds kiaras dead body "aren't you supposed to be immortal?!.. Aren't you supposed to stay?! Kiara answer me! AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO STAY BY MY SIDE?!!. So please kiara.. please come back to life...i beg you"she sobbed at the body of who once she cherished and love, the body of the being who loved her, and the body of the last phoenix

Years turns into decades, decades turn to millennium....


Calli's POV:

The life is not same without you again, or death? I don't know...
Im used to taking people lives, and i feel nothing in my heart...
Maybe im just a cold hearted woman?

I hated you, when you are making fun of me
I hated you, when you show me that you cared for me
I hate you, when you show your love to me
And i hated you, when your kindness changes me

We are not same,
i am the symbol of Death
You are the symbol of Life
But still, why are you still on my side?

Even if i told you to leave
Even if i tell you harsh words
Even if i hurt you many times
Even if i take your lives many times
You Stayed...
And now, you are really gone...
Even this is what i wished for....
Why does this hurt? My heart...





If...if.. i may restart it....
I wont do horrible things again to you....
I will be honest to my feelings....
Loving you with all of my heart content....
Truly, i love you please...come...back....

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