Ironic isn't it? The boy who tried to save her from drowning, Ended up drowning her himself.

The sad thing is, Nobody ever really knows how much anyone else is hurting. We could be standing next to somebody who's completely broken and we wouldn't even know it.

I'm fine = I'm not fine, Please help me
I'm just tired = I can't take this anymore
I already ate = I starve myself
Go away = Show me you care enough to stay
I'm just cold = I don't want you to see my scars
I'm better, I promise = I've never been this bad
I'm okay = I want to die

I'm sick of crying,
I'm tired of trying,
Yes I'm smiling.
But inside I'm dying.

Mom: You never do anything for me
Me: I fake a smile, I hide my problems from you to avoid you from getting stressed, I cover my scars, I don't talk to you so you don't have to put up with me, And I pretend to be mentally stable.

At age 5, She wants to be a ballerina.
At age 8, She wants to be an astronaut.
At age 10, She wants to be a teacher.
At age 13, She wants to be a doctor.
At age 16, She wants to be dead.

What a shame that the girl who once believed in fairy tales and magic had to be struck by reality with demons in her mind and the fear of never being loved.

The girl who seemed unbreakable, broke.
The girl who seems strong, crumbled.
The girl who always laughed, cried.
The girl who never stopped trying, finally gave up.
She dropped her fake smile as a tear rolled down her cheek, and she whispered to herself, "I can't do this anymore..."

Everything I loved became everything I lost.


Sometimes the person who tries to keep everyone happy is the most lonely person.

Don't trust too much
Don't love too much
Don't hope too much
Because that "too much"
Can hurt you so much

The difference between you and me is when you wake up, Your nightmare ends and mine just starts.

I don't think anyone could ever criticize me more severely than the way I criticize myself

Behind my smile is a hurting heart
Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart
Look closely at me and you will see,
The girl I am, It isn't me.

Here's to everyone, Who cries all night and wakes up in the morning like nothing happened.

You wrecked me and I apologized....


Roses are dead
Violets are crying
Outside I'm smiling
Inside I'm crying

It's weird how in a matter of seconds you could be just a memory.

I often think about where I went wrong.

I say sorry a lot, Because I feel like everything is my fault.

I am not living
I am Surviving

Amazing what a fake smile and long sleeves can do...

Just because my heart is beating it doesn't mean I'm alive...

She's just a tiger,
Who's earned her stripes.

I draw with silver and it turns red....MAGIC

Depression is living in a body that fights to survive, With a mind that tries to die.

I'm told to stay strong...
Keep fighting...
But they don't understand...
I've already lost.

You Do not understand the amount of paying someone must be in to do this to their body...

I feel like dying everyday.

I hate my life, But everybody thinks I'm happy.

If you could read my mind, You'd be in tears.

I miss me,
The old me,
The happy me,
The bright me,
The smiling me,
The laughing me.
The gone me.

I hate knowing I care more about other people than other people will ever care about me.

Did you ever Miss yourself?
The person you were,
Before life changed everything?

I literally have no motivation,
To to save myself anymore.....
I'm just done.

658 words used

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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