Season one chapter one

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I was sitting in the paddy wagon with the rest of the Enforcers on our way to a job. I hate how it's always so quiet in this stupid wagon no one is really this silent. I stared at the ground until I felt the paddy wagon slowing down. And then stop. I lifted my head when the door opened. Everyone got up and started walking out I was the last one out to try and stay hidden. When we were all out we were standing waiting for instructions. I was by Masaoka. I had my headphones in so I did not hear what they were saying until Masaoka taped my shoulder signaling me to listen. I took my headphones out and put them in my pocket. Ginoza was saying "( This is inspector Akane Tsunemori. From today on you will know her as your second owner".) she looked really nervous. She bowed down saying how is was a pleasure to meet us. Ginoza said we will split into two groups and zero into are target.

Ginoza POV:
Alright , kunizuka, and kagari your with me. The other three are with inspector tsunemori.  Kagari started complaining like usual while the rest of us just agreed. I got my gun and then the others followed.

Akane POV:
I grabbed my gun as the voice was going off in my head the guys told me that I would get use to it. One of the guys were telling me that I decide their every move. I looked to the floor and saw little shoes I looked back up and saw a girl. My mouth dropped as I said "( when did you get here I didn't even notice you were here.") she had a blank face on as she turned away. The younger male said ("she's one of the males kid. I won't tell you whose she is but she's one of ours.")

Kogami looked at me and said ("introduce yourself") I looked at our "owner" and said (" my name is y/n. It's nice to meet you.") she greeted me back and we all started walking to find this criminal. We ended up spreading out. I went the opposite way as everyone else.  I heard my ear peace go off saying ("come in, this is hound 4.  I've found the targets on the fourth floor of the KT building, what are your orders?") My dad is the one who found the target. I'm far from the KT building so it's better if I stay away anyway because I would get in the way of everyone, besides it's nice to be alone. I heard a fire go off. So I figured they got him. I also heard glass break.  I had a weird feeling . I turned around and started running and ended up getting knocked down by the target ..Curse me for being y/h (your height). He ended up getting up and running ....myself not to far behind him. I said in my ear peace. ("Thanks for telling me he's on the run. We're on the first floor by the elevators. I won't be able to take him down myself. I need help.") My team ended up coming. We had to pass him are guns. He pointed one at me and then said die. I smirked when it didn't fire . Kogami ended up shooting him and he well..... exploded. The girl ended up screaming. ("Wow kogami you really used us as a decoy ? )Masaoka said. I did not find it funny so I just stayed quiet. I usually don't stay long enough to see the person die I've only done it a few times and I hate it. I get he is a bad person but I hate seeing them explode. My dad usually takes me away from the situation. We tested the girl and her crime stat was over 160 I pointed my gun at her just to paralyze her. The new girl ended up running and pushing my gun away and pushing me with all her force. ("Sorry I didn't mean to push you it's just that she's already scared. ") I rolled my eyes and got up grabbing my gun. I had a bloody noise because when she pushed me my damn face hit the ground.

Akane POV:
When y/n got up I saw her nose . "(OMG!! I'm sorry I did that! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. ) she looked really dizzy. (She didn't just hit her nose she hit her head to.) Masaoka said. (Omg I'm so sorry y/n. Masaoka came and picked her up and she ended up going to sleep. ( Hey you need to keep her awake !") ("there's nothing we can do now. You should be worried tho. Her dad is going to want to know what happened and you will have to say you pushed her away from doing her job. And that caused an injury. ")

Masaoka POV:
Akane ended up shooting kogami. I could not do anything because y/n is in my arms. But Ginoza ended up coming and shooting the girl.

Ginoza POV:
("Inspector Tsunemori I want a thorough explanation of why y/n is unconscious and of the rest of your actions. I expect a detailed report first thing in the morning.") I carried y/n to the wagon and waited till everyone got there. Kagari was there right after me taking his little girl and holding her cleaning the blood off of her nose. I walked away as he took her and himself into the wagon.

Kagari POV:
I was holding my daughter cleaning all the blood off her nose when she stared opening her eyes. ("Hi baby") (" hi dad. head hurts ..") ("I know sweetheart I think you have a small concussion when we get home you are going to rest. The ride their might hurt your head a little, because of the bumps.") ("Ok dad") I held her close as everyone came into the wagon. They asked if she was ok and I said ya she will be. The ride back I held y/n closer every time she made a small noise of pain. I kissed her head over and over to try and make her pain better.
Word count 1045
I honestly think he would be such a good dad. Anyways hope you liked it ❤️

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