Season one chapter two

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Kagari POV:
When we got back to "home" I set y/n on the couch. I went into the bathroom and got a wet cloth and went back to her. She looked at me while I gently tilted her head up and started cleaning off the dried blood properly. She hissed when the rag touched her but then stopped. After that I got some pain meds and gave them to her. ("Here this will help with your head") ("thanks dad") I kissed her head as she laid on the couch. I cleaned up the house a little and then got ready for bed. Y/n was now asleep on the couch. I lifted her up and brought her to her room. I tucked her in and then went to my room to sleep.


I woke up this morning, with a killer headache. I got some pain meds and then went to shower. I got out and got dressed into black leggings and a white button up shirt. I went in the living room to see dad playing games but also cooking food. ("Good morning dad.") I said as I walked up to him to give him a hug. ("Good morning baby") (" you do realize I'm not a baby right dad?.") ("you are .... Your my baby.") I groaned at his response and sat on the couch. ("How does your head feel y/n?") (" umm. It hurt this morning but I took pain killers. After I showered I felt a ton better.") "(ok .... Are you well enough to go in today?.)" ("ya. I'm all good dad.") he came over to me and sat my food in front of me kissing my head. ("Thank you dad.") ("your welcome n/n") after eating I washed are dishes and then dad and I just hung out until we had to go to work. When it was time we walked to our work space and I sat at my desk which was right by dads. I just take notes pretty much all day on people. Dad was playing his stupid game not even working. I was about to say something when miss. Akane came asking for a spare tablet. Dad said ("well the last I checked , Enforcer Kogami was using all the spare equipment.") after dad said that he continued to play. Akane said ("uh.... But how could he, I mean.... Kogamis still....") dad came back with a smart ass response saying ("recovering from being shot? Yes, he is. ") yayoi hit dad on the head which made me laugh. Akane then turned her head to me and immediately started apologizing. ("Y/n ... oh my I'm so sorry for hurting you yesterday. I really am I just....... I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry") ("stop apologizing what's done is done, and besides I'm not the one in a hospital bed.") that last part got me hit in the head by yayoi. (" head hurts already.....geez.")

Kagari POV:
I snickered when she hit y/n. I rubbed her head causing her to wince a little. I took my hand off an apologized. She went back to taking notes on people's scanning's. I turned to Akane and said . "(You know she was just doing her job.)" ("I'm sorry?") (" my daughter ...she was doing her job. Why did you push her like that. You may be our second "owner" but you need to learn self control. ("Dad") y/n whispered shouted at me . I continued to look at Akane. She apologized a couple times but I just turned around and continued to play my game. I looked at y/n and she rolled her eyes. I pulled her ear in a playful manner but still a little hard. She knows not to give me attitude.

My dad pulled my ear with a smirk on his face. I knew he wasn't kidding around tho. I apologized and continued my work. Yayoi let her borrow her equipment. Tomomi walked in and said (" yeah. I know I'm late.Sorry.") He looked at Akane and told her that he was not aware that she was on duty tonight. She said ya. But tomomi said that it must be tuff on her coming in after last night. He said let's keep are fingers crossed today's a little more laid back. But just are luck right when he said that the alarm started going off. The speaker the announced ("Elevated Area Stress Level Warning. A Psycho-pass above the regulation value has been detected inside Iko Gryce Hill in the Adachi Ward. The on duty inspector and available enforcers are immediately required for intervention at the scene.)" I look at my dad and he just had a bored look on his face. I felt bad for the night shift. My father , yayoi , and I just officially got off are shift. Dad spoke up and said ("Aw, man. Too bad our shift just ended. Have fun!") yayoi offered backup. She said she would cover for kogami. "(Ya. I'll also go if you need me.") my dad put a hand on my shoulder and said (" not happening. Your not going anywhere without me until your all healed up.") Dad and I got up and started walking home. As I was walking I started getting Dizzy. I grabbed onto my dads arm and he looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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