<chapter nine>

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   well he couldn't be more wrong luz actually gave him some space today she only came in to say hi then walked back out. It confused hunter but hey, he was more than happy to get some time by himself. Eventually it became night. Luz peered trough the door, "hey! you are hungry?" she asked.

"o-oh-" hunter was still getting used to being asked if he was hungry, in the emperors coven usually if you missed dinner you didn't eat. which meant hunter (due to shifts) didn't usually get dinner. or lunch or breakfast. he would usually just get something small like crackers while working. "n-no i'm ok....." a few seconds passed but neither of them moved or said anything. "thank you though.." he awkwardly mumbled.

"ok...let us know if your hungry!" she said before closing the door. hunter let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

he looked out the window and climbed out. he was sitting on the roof looking at the moon and stars. about 30 mins later he found luz climbing up to where he was.

she panted for a second. "h-hey! whatca... whatca doin'.." she raised an eyebrow and sat down.

hunter had to stop the corners of his mouth from going up for a reason that he didn't know. " nothing. just sitting on the roof... looking at the stars. . . . normal criminal stuff."

"mhm." a few seconds pasted. "what's on your mind?" she asked moving her head so she was now also looking at the night sky.

"what do you mean by that?"

"what are you thinking about."

he paused almost like he was clearing his head.
".... nothing." he mumbled not looking away from the sky.


"what? i'm telling the truth!"

"i never said you weren't."

he went silent.

".... *sigh* look, all i know is i come up here to think. mostly about my mama. so, i thought maybe you were thinking about something you needed to vent about."

"vent?" he raised a eyebrow.

"yea! getting something off you chest."

"hm. yea. no."

she narrowed her eyes in determination
"fine. guess i will have to go first."

his eyes shot up from the almost relaxed state. "what?"

"hmm. ok. at home- the human realm- i didn't fit in much-"


"BUT when i came here... i fit in because this world is everything i could every dream about and-"

" whatareyoudoing??"

"don't interrupt me! but some nights after school. the bully got to much and well i would cry." she finished kinda sadly.

his eyes were wide. wider than she has ever seen.

"see...? it's that easy hunter, and you'll feel better afterwards. venting. try it." she said softly

"..." he sighed heavily  and shifted his gaze back to the sky ".... when you found me in the woods... i- ok. i was kicked out of the emperors coven no because i had rascal, and that's why i'm hurt."  he looked back at her. her gaze was made with confusion and sympathy

"what do you mean that's why your hurt?!" realization spreading her face " the scar on your cheek, the notch tookn out of your ear, your hurt side when you got here.... that was all belos???!!"

"uncle- I MEAN BELOS- is not a merciful man. i told you that."


"shhhh- shhh- sh- the others will hear you!"

"uncle??" she whispered this time
"what happened to your parents??"

"i.. never knew them... belos said that wild magic killed the rest of our family and that's it dangerous but..." rascal flew out from the window and landed on hunters shoulder.  he smiled " i think he might have been.... wrong about it" he realized what he was saying. "I mean! w-well-" he started to make an excess but got interrupted

"no. he was wrong. wild magic is only dangerous if you want it to be. do you want to create dangerous magic with rascal?"

"no. of course not."

"ok then. then it shouldn't hurt you. AND speaking of hurt. it's child abuse to hurt kids the way that belos was hurting you!"

"n-no he was teaching me a lesson."

"and what lesson would that be?"

he pointed to his ear that has the notch took out of it " don't speak out of turn." he pointed to his cheek. " dont disobey him."  he pointed at many places on his body saying what he did 'wrong'  to ' desurve'  them. "and of course-" he pointed to his side "don't keep secrets from him."

"no hunter... that's not right..."


"hunter i'm serious! what else would he tell you?!"

"that the titian has big plans for me. crap like that. let me guess. this isn't normal either?"



there was a awkward Silence hanging in the air as hunter looked back at the stars. luz following his eyes.

hunter broke the silence with a smirk luz didn't have to look at him to see. "soooo- amity. are y'all dating?"

luz blushed. "yes. we are."


"oh shut up! I bet your homo to!"

it was now hunters turn to blush. "am not!"

"you not supposed to lie hunter!"

"WILL YOU TWO PLEASE SHUT UP!" lilith's voice yelled from inside

"YEA! AND GET OFF THE ROOF YA FRICKING ANGSTY TEENS!" came edas voice following lilith's

luz and hunter looked at each other for a quick beat before busting out laughing.

they climbed back inside and luz was about to walk out the open door before she turned around to look at hunter who was petting rascal.

"oh, and hunter?"

"hm?" he gave his attention to her.

"let me know if your hungry or need to talk.. ok?"


and like that she was gone. leaving hunter with a smile on his face.

"she cares...."

rascal chirped. (yup. way more than belos ever did...)


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