:[Chapter 1]:

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Pain. I felt numb and throbbing in sanitary areas, a nauseated stomach and drowsiness. As if the feeling wasn't anymore worse, I was in someone else's bed and I was half naked. My clothes seemingly vanished with the perpetrator leaving me nothing but boxers. I groaned whilst clenching down on the quilt, throwing it off and clumsily standing up. I'd look around the place, a somewhat tidy cottage with a desk, a decent-sized fridge and a bookshelf with a coffee table.
"Strange..," I murmured to myself as I approached the fridge, gripping on the handle as I pulled open the door. Nothing except a strange mixture in a damp texture. The fridge itself was suspicious enough but this strange concoction is something else. Closing the door behind as I turned towards the bathroom, a wide eyed albino man in just a towel stood stiff. Poker faced and expressionless. I stare back, dumbfounded with integrity. The scrawny man in question was none other than Nagito Komaeda, Ultimate Lucky Student and a peculiar person at bay. Awkward silence conceded when he brought up a cheerful smile and chuckled softly.

"You're awake, although earlier than I anticipated."
I lift the bottle higher to Nagito's attention.
"What did you do to me?"
He scratched his cheeked with the strange yet euthanised smile plastered on his face. "You don't remember last night?"
I shake my head. "What happened?" He embraced himself, seemingly forgetting about the towel as he'd flush up in mass hysteria. His eyes squinted and locked onto me, a small wheeze of giddiness rising. "Our hopes intertwined, Hajime. You'd let me connect our hopes with one. Now...I feel a stronger connection to you. Doesn't it feel orgasmic??" His voice croaked with sexual euphemism, he tightened the grip of his embracing even more.
"This isn't the time to joke around!" I exclaim.
"I seriously don't remember a thing and I wake up in your bed, my head and body hurts and I'm half naked, so what did you do Nagito?" He laughed maniacally, his face blushing in fury.
"Don't you understand?! We're dating! The hope from above sent us to this hopeless desolate island so we could meet, a message of luck and prosperity so both of us can make good outcome from bad,"
"We might just be two stepping stones for hope but we'll both topple notorious and be remembered, if not be seen as deities to the future of our misunderstood planet."
Oh..oh, no. I thought as the realisation sunk in, did I say something that must've given him that impression? I curdled my fingers, sheepishly finding a way to respond.
"What..-what did I say to you last night? Did..did anything I said made you think I..you know- think I might've liked guys?"
"Ahaaha...the way you spoke was so disorganised and slurred, but I could make out loads of things you said..."
"What-what was I saying?" I stuttered, laughing nervously. Komaeda hesitated and looked at me, now with the same expressionless face as before.
"Are you...scared?" I gulp at his sudden emotion shift.
"No...no! Why would I be scared—,"
"Are you scared of people thinking that you're some twinkie brunette that likes being fucked around with from some worthless scumbag like me?!"
"What? No, no! I mean—..."
"Are you just going to walk out and leave me; seriously leaving me here to waste and die?!" He shouted, spirals forming vigorously as I took a step back.
"Don't say that! I don't want you to die, I don't want anyone to die and I'm not going to leave you!" Komaeda glimpsed, a sudden burst of joy appearing from nowhere. A moderate pause between us as he laughed once more.
"Really.., Hajime? You'll never leave me? You'll stay by my side and shine hope even longer?" I paused briefly. What am I getting myself into? A crazed, possibly creepy man thinks I'm dating him and that were some sort of messiah? I reluctantly agree with a nod and a forced grin, the pity of rejecting him was too much of a burden to handle.
"Yeah...yeah!" I answered unsurely, but it was enough to convince him otherwise. He sighed with relief as he walked closer for a hug.
"Aha...I was getting worried for a second. Shall we get dressed? Your clothes are in your cottage so I'll get them for you."
"Why..are my clothes in my cottage?" I questioned. Nagito remained silent, a small snicker as he grabbed his clothes and unwrapped his towel and revealing himself properly. I shrieked out,
"Put the towel back on! Go in the bathroom why don't you?" I looked down at the floor in total embarrassment.
"Can't be bothered," He sarcastically said as he scoffed, "How about you pick it up for me you talentless wimp." Blurted Komaeda.
"Why are you suddenly so hostile?"
His emotion, changing once again with a smooth laugh.
"Just joking! You don't really get my sense of humour, huh?"
"...No, I do not, Nagito."

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