Chapter 1

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Okay, so this story focuses a lot on heavier topics, like depression, self harm, hitting rock bottom and most importantly, sex. So if you don't like that kinda stuff, don't read it. Thanks. :3

~Link's POV~
Ugh. I thought to myself as I slammed a hand down on my blaring alarm clock, shutting the damn thing up. It made my ears ring, and I hated that. I hated it to death, like most things. Running a hand through my hair, I slowly stood up, getting out of bed. As I started to walk, a throbbing pain raced up my thigh.
"Agh!" I cursed, rubbing it gently. It was a wolfos bite, only a few days old. It happened when I went out late at night without my sword. I was hunting for possible food sources, and had been caught off guard. It's probably infected now. Shit. Hissing through my teeth, I walked down the dusty stairs.
Upon opening the fridge, I felt my stomach turn and begin to rumble. I hadn't eaten in days, and my face was pale. I sighed and did what I always did to get through it. Slamming the fridge, I began to hum a song I'd learnt a while ago. The lyrics ran through my mind.
No food to eat,
All the money's been wasted,
From last week.
I can't even leave,
So I sit in the basement,
Makin' up rap beats.
My thoughts were disrupted by a harsh knock on my door.
"It's 6AM. Who else could possibly be up right now?" I growled to myself, limping towards the front door. Tugging it open, I was surprised to see absolutely no one there. There was a pounding thought in the back of my mind, but I ignored it. Probably a prank. I heard that the people of Kakariko hate me for whatever stupid reason they have. But it's an awful long way to walk... I mean, Ordon's pretty far from the village. Whatever. It was too early for this. I slammed the door shut and collapsed onto a chair, faceplanting on the kitchen table. I slammed my fist against the table, forcing it to shake and splinter. I didn't care. I'd be dead soon, for all I care. I ran a hand along my right wrist shakily, feeling the bumps of old scars. Very soon. It was dumb. Everything was. I didn't know what else to do. I can't fucking save the entire land of Hyrule from that theif dude!
"I can't even save myself!" I found myself screaming, breaking into sobs. I'm just useless.
I didn't even notice the sound of the door creaking open.

Darkness Is Faster Than Light (Link x Dark Link yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now