Breakfast for two

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Gabriel pov:

    Arose from my slumber I gently rubbed my eyes from both hands. The sun was shining directly at my face, a regret I wished to put the bed facing the windows. I noticed Marshall is sleeping beside me. I could not see his face buried in the pillow but I can tell he's still in his sleep. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine: Wash my face, brush my teeth, comb my hair, fix my pajamas and I'm ready to start the morning! Hygiene is a must! In order for us to look clean and organize we need to take care of our health.

    I decided not to wake up Marshall and go look for something to cook first. Marcy and Bonnie already left and went to their part time jobs. And I'm stuck here on a Saturday with Marshall Lee and his bandmates. Oh no! I facepalmed.

    What should I cook for today? aye?
It's hard for me to pick a breakfast easily since it's the most important meal of the day. I should look forward to it and think more about what meal to start my day. There were bacon, eggs, and pancake mix Ingredients left. I should make use of those.
Then what's a good meal?

    Upon pondering for a while I remembered the cookbook I used to read back in Pennsylvania. It had different kinds of easy to go meals that are good for everyday use especially if you want to be resourceful. There is a section for breakfast and I also remembered how to make a crepe using only pancake mix. I should try that.

    First I got the ingredients. Mix them and started heating the pan brushing a thin layer of butter on it and after that I pour the batter in. I went to the fridge and got some strawberries. After baking I finished and it turned out better for a first timer. It looks very appetizing. The smell is mouth watering. I'm not going to share!

    "Goodmorning Bubs" I gasped as I heard that voice. Marshall is already awake scratching his tummy and still has bed hair on. "Morning" I continued eating, not minding him when suddenly he took a bite of my crepe. "Hey!"

    "Im hungry"

    "Go cook some"

    "I want what your having"


    "Just a little"


    "Come on bubs you shouldn't be shouting early in the morning"

    "Yeah yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes. It's just morning I can shout whenever I feel annoyed or seeking for help.

    "Stop that ! don't be selfish bubba," I paused at the nickname. Why is my heart beating loudly. My cheeks started to get flustered. I could feel the warmth radiating through my cheeks. I looked away from him and tried busying myself avoiding his gaze.

    He's still staring at me. " Bubba there's something on your mouth," I tried wiping the corners. "No it's still not there, Let me help you". He took this opportunity to wipe my lips with his hands. I was red all over my face. I could not breathe from the closeness. This is too much. I closed my eyes still seeing him wiping my mouth. "Boo, you whore," I opened my eyes and he gave me a very bored look on his face. "You Voldemort!" I retorted. "I'm surprised you know him,"

    "Of course I know him I watch it 2 days ago"

    "I don't even look like him eww." he displayed a disgusted look but I ignored him and continue savoring this piece of beauty in front of me. No one can have you, I said inside my mind. As I was about to bite the sliced crepe Marshall pulled it from me and ate it. "Marshall Lee, that was mine!" I exclaimed but he just continued laughing. What is wrong with him? Last time he tried flirting with me now he's making fun of me. He is a very confusing man. Like an equation I used to solve that I could not find an answer. I glared at him and decided to give him the rest of the food, I've already lost my appetite.

    I went to the couch and turned on the television scrolling to every button just to find something interesting but my mind could not focus on the channels; it was all him I could think about and the scene earlier. What the fuck just happened was he trying to hit on me? became uninterested and continued pestering me?
Every thought of him puts a blush on my face. It feels like I'm sick but I'm feeling okay. He made me feel all that stuff while he only just stared at me. I slapped my face not too hard and still continued searching for channels.

Marshall's pov:

    Gumbutt over there is sulking on the couch. I think he's being needy. Hahahaha. He is such a dense person. I don't need to explain my actions to him, it's very obvious I find him attractive. Just attraction though not anything serious he's just cute, hot and all.

    "Hey Bubba, are you still mad at me?" I walked towards him and he continued avoiding me. "You know pouting like that won't do you any good" He turned around and faced me "you finally look at me". I smirked. A blushed adorned his face. He's so easily embarrassed. He covered his face with both hands and I tried pulling it away from covering. "No need to be embarrassed, we're just friends, nothing wrong," he pulled his face away and his embarrassment faltered as he got up and continued walking towards the kitchen. Did I just friendzone him?
but it's not like I like him, I like getting him embarrassed, that's all, yeah I love teasing him and seeing his flushed reaction.

    Oh I just remembered the note I saw last night! I should inform him. I got the note inside my pocket and showed it to him. "What's this?" He asked. "A number I saw in your photo album" he snatched it away from me, dialing the number on his cellphone.

    I gave Gabriel privacy to take the call and went to his bathroom to shower. His bathroom smells just like him. A kids perfume. Why is he using this? confusion was written on my face but it did not smell bad though. It was just for children. Nonetheless I manage to shower and use his so-called kid's perfume and dap it on my shirt a little bit. I got out of the bathroom and Gabe was on the bed with tears on his face.


This is a fun chapter I wrote.
That mean girls qoute though and Harry Potter reference. Hehehehe
Hope you like it!
Votes and comment are higly appreciated.
Thank you for reading!!

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