The plan

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Gabriel's pov:

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I'm speechless; after everything I've gone through, they just abandon me like that, and I'm still hoping to locate them in this vast state. Why did they feel compelled to abandon me? You believe it will be simple to adjust to your fictitious parents. Do you think it's easy to deal with neighbourhood bullies who label me an orphan every time I stand and point!? How could they abandon me in such a deplorable situation?!  I despise them so much, but a part of me wants to forgive them and reconcile with them. My eyes pricked up with tears. I couldn't stand the thought of Marshall seeing me in a shambles.

"Hey bubba what's the matter?" Marshall sat next to my bed and caressed my shoulder. I rubbed my head and answered, "I don't want to talk about it, just leave me alone for now."

"Okay" he said and left my room. I was left alone once again dawning in my misery and self-pity.

I fell asleep after bawling my eyes out and woke up at 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon hearing a loud ruckus. I rubbed my eyes and went outside to check the noise. Turns out it was just Marshall and his bandmates practicing. I scoffed and went to the kitchen, took an apple and decided to dial the numbers.

After a few rings someone answered and said a very hoarse "hello?" I gulped and felt nervous. "Is this Martha?" I asked, closing my eyes hoping it was my mom on the other line. "No but I used to be her landlord. Who am I speaking to?" I was confused didn't mother give her real number? I was hesitant telling her who I am so I lied and told her I am a childhood friend, she seems to buy it judging by her tone. "Is there a way I can contact her?" I asked. "I believe she gave you the wrong number but she left 2 years ago, I saved her contact info though do you want it?" Finally something that could help me. "Yes please"

"Xxx-xxx-xxxx" she dictated the number. "Do you know what her current location is?" I asked. "She mentioned that she was heading to New York," she replied. Bingo finally her whereabouts. "Ok, I will keep that in mind. Thank you miss uh-" before I could ask her name she hung up the phone. Well atleast I got some information.

I assumed I am going to New York when the door opened and Marceline and Bonni entered. "How are you doing, bubs?" " She removed her coat and went to the refrigerator to retrieve an apple. "I discovered information about my parents!"  I exclaimed loudly. "Exciting news!" , where have they gone? " Bonni said, leaning against the counter, getting some Kleenex. "They're in New York," I said, Marceline choked on her apple. Bonni came to her rescue and massaged her back. "Why?" I said as I handed her water, perplexed by her response. "New York is one of the most populous cities on the planet. How are we going to track down your parents!? " shouted Bonni. Realizing my predicament, I muttered a "Oh-. I've got another lead, and it's my mother's phone number." I lighten up the mood. "Call it then". I started dialing the number, after a few rings no one picked up. I continued on the next 10 minutes with no sign of picking up. "No one is answering," I said. "Maybe they're having sex," Marceline commented my face flushed red not totally imagining what my parents are doing right now. "Marcy, that's too distasteful! Leave my poor Gabe alone" she covered my ears and playfully bantered with Marceline again. They give off old married couple vibes. I learned that from Marshal, speaking of him the devil had finished practicing and went inside already.

"What happened to make you all depressed?" Butted in flame. "Apparently we discovered Gabriel's parents' whereabouts." Marceline said. "Gabriel is an orphan?" When Finn asked that question, I became as rigid as a rock, my face paled, and I didn't want to react. I wanted nothing more than to die and be buried. I have difficulty in accepting that I'm adopted despite the care and love my guardians gave me. It still didn't feel like we had a sort connection where they could grasp what I was saying. Marceline became aware of my stiffness and shifted the conversation to the band's plans for a concert. "What do you have in mind for the concert?"

"We already thought of the places, we are just finalizing our practices and the transportation," Finn answered. "Cool, where are you going?" Marceline asked again. "We were thinking about heading to a few states and our last stop would be New York," my eyes lit up in amusement. "Can I come?" I chimed in, Marshall looked at me and grinned. "Sure mate! The van is quite big" Finn exclaimed. "We're still in the process of making adjustments. Maybe this Friday we'll start touring" Jake said. "So this Friday huh, might as well get ready" Marceline said as she put on her giant hat and coat, soon she left. The band soon discarded and went to their respective rooms. I decided to text Fi and meet up with her, I will probably say my goodbye's.

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