First Date

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"Rosario + Vampire: A Goddess of a Different Sort" (What If?)

Chapter 4 "First Date"

Based upon characters created by Akihisa Ikeda.

Ah My Goddess created by Kosuke Fujishima.

Original idea and story written by Gamera68.

Rated T.

Genres: Fantasy / Romance / Slice-of-Life / Comedy


Author's Note:

I'd like to thank everyone who has fave'd and followed this story as well as left me some great feedback. I really appreciate all the support even though this fan-fiction is fairly new.

Also a quick shout-out to "zeroIQ" from FFN for assistance with which direction to go for this and the next chapter. This takes place about 2 weeks after Tsukune and Moka move into their new home at the Tariki Hongan Temple.

I introduce another character from Rosario + Vampire into the story who will be around for awhile and I hope that I did a good job with her characteristics. :)

I also welcome feedback so I can be encouraged to continue this story. I usually NEVER ask for feedback, but if I don't hear from you, the reader, what you like or don't like about this unique story, then I won't know what to write about for future chapters. So any and all feedback / reviews / ideas are more than welcome as I make NO MONEY writing. Thank you for your continued support and Faves!

Okay, enough rambling! Onto chapter 4! :)



Late May, 2005. Nekomi, Japan.

A lone figure approached the temple grounds after being dropped off by a friendly truck driver. He even helped out with unloading their belongings. The individual in question then walked up to the house with a puzzled look across their face.

"Look at the size of this place. Is this even the right address? Well, they said it was a temple, but I thought they were only joking."

When the person reached the doorway, they then pressed the doorbell.

* ding dong *

* ding dong *

* ding dong *

Moka quickly left the kitchen and floated down the hallway as she headed to answer the door.

"Coming!" the goddess announced with a song in her voice.

"Oh right. No powers in front of other mortals. Silly me," she murmured to herself as she landed by the front doorway, her cheeks slightly tinted pink due to her sudden forgetfulness. The embarrassed goddess then unlocked and slid the door open.

"Yes, may I help you?" Moka asked the visitor on the other side of the now-opened door.

"Um... I'm sorry. I must have the wrong place."

"The wrong place?" the deity inquired.

"This is Tariki Hongan Temple, right?" the woman asked the goddess in front of her who had the brightest, pinkest hair, and the greenest eyes she had ever seen.

"Yes, that's correct," Moka replied with a smile.

"I see. That's good. I'm, uh, looking for Tsukune Aono," she replied as she nervously scratched the back of her neck.

The young, Japanese, woman had shoulder-length, black hair, aqua blue eyes, and was average in height. She was dressed in a red, lightweight jacket, a white tee-shirt, a blue, denim, mini-skirt, and white sneakers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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