what happened to you?(au)

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Kazuha walked at the out outskirts of inazuma simply wandering around but somethings not right about this...

He spotted a random camp the people on the camp are on guard and he decided to ignore it and continue walking until one of the men spotted him and call the others for attack as they charge at him

"Well look what i found another prey that wants to play" kazuha said darkly with a hint of pleasure of the blood shed is going to bring, as he turns around looking them dead in the eyes as he summons his sword

"Try and do entertain me, dont make this fight a bore wouldn't you say"kazuha said as he slashes them one by one by one screams can be heard at the out skirts the sound of pain the sound of them suffering brings nothing to him but joy as his blade is begging to be bathe in blood and his clothes had blood on them as he sighed seeing what he has done corpses all around the camp area he dint even care

"How boring they dint put much of a fight as i thought"kazuha said in disappointment as he walk away from the camp going to get him self cleaned up

At another place

"Comrade the tsaritsa wants us to go to inazuma the agents are slacking off they say"childe said as he had never went to inazuma before

"Why am i stuck with you"scaramouche said in annoyance as childe continuously bothers him as they left sheznaya to inazuma

Both of them walked around to the location where the camp of the agents are assigned to be in they saw.....nothing no traces of them

"Odd you said their here"scaramouche said as he looked at childe with his poker turn around

"They are here or were here"childe said as he was getting suspicion that the agents were attacked as

"You go that way ill go this way"scaramouche said as he pointed where childe will go

They had gone to the direction where scara pointed along the way scaramouche saw a person sitting on a rock he seems very familiar reminds him of kazuha, the person turned around and looked him in the eyes

"Scara is that you?"

"Who are you and how do you know me?"scaramouche said as was ready to fight him

"Dont be silly scara its me kazuha"kazuha said in carefree tone as he stands up walking towards him scaramouche thought this is a some kind of trick a lie he looked like him its just the difference is the black hair and his eyes seemed redder than usual crimson red eyes, he backed away until his back reached a giant rock not to far from kazuha it was a bit futher but yeah

"Your lying i know you are"scaramouche said as his back was on the rock he doesn't believe it as kazuha simply approach him a pinned him on the rock and asked

"Now why would i lie to you? Tell me a good reason then hmm?" kazuha said chuckling at his words saying it in a flirty way while pinning him

Scaramouche saw in his eyes he was not lying he is his kazuha scaramouche was shocked that this person right infront of him is his own boyfriend

"W-what happened to you kaz?"scaramouche said as he stuttered at his lover looking at him
He saw is boyfriend laughed quietly so only scaramouche can hear, scaramouche felt something off about the way he laughed it almost sounded dark,evil or sinister,kazuha leaned closer to scaramouche to reach his ear

"Did the cat got your tongue kuni-san" kazuha said as scaramouche face had a crimson red blushed appeared on this cheeks kazuha pulling away from his ear to see his lovers blushing face still pinning him by the way

Kazuscara (kazuha assassin AU) Love of the assassinWhere stories live. Discover now