Atsushi Murasakibara

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Himuro POV:

I was sitting with Atsushi at lunch like usual. Something or rather someone popped in my mind.

"Hey Atsushi?"

"Yeah Muro-chin?"

"Did you hear about that girl transfering here?"

"No why?"

"Apperantly she's in our class, and wants to be our manager."


I laugh a little

"That person is my little sister."

"Wait what? I didn't know Muro-chin had a little sister"

"Well now you do. I think you too will get along well"

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, she's taller then me, and just an inch or 2 shorter than you"

"Wait seriously? Dang must be hard for her"

"Exactly, she has height issues too. I'm pretty sure you too will be very close."

"When is she coming?"

"Interested are we?"


"Whatever you say, she's coming tomorrow"


The rest of the day seemed normal tho Atsushi seemed to zone out a bit more than usual.

~The next day~

I woke up extra sleepy. I got ready for school and arrived. Atsushi was waiting at the gate. Once I can in view of him he started walking up to me.

"Muro-chin seems tried, no sleep?"

"I did get sleep, not much, but I did"


"My sister decided to call me and talk to me until about 4 o'Clock in the morning"

"Really? She doesn't seem like you at all"

"Sometimes I don't even thinks she's my sister. People even mistaken us for a couple."

"That's I bit funny, sad but funny"

"Be quiet anyway, you should be seeing your future wife soon."

"F-future wife!?"

"You seem to have a looking to her"

"I haven't even met her!"

"And? You have been zoning out a lot more ever since I told you."

"Whatever, let's get to morning practice, we'll be late if we don't hurry"

We get to morning practice just in time.


I enter the school egear to see my big bro. I look around and couldn't find him. I check the gyms and I see him practicing. His back faced my way. I ran up to him and clinged myself on to him making him fall over. The basketball rolls away. I snuggle my head into his back.

I see a whole lot of people that I assume is his team, surround us. Then a very tall purple haired boy caught my eye. I close my eyes and snuggle closer. Their teammates help him up.

"Your crazy obsessed girls have taken it too far!"

I look up at where the voice had come from. I pointed at myself.

"Yes you!"

Me and Tatsuya started laughing.

"Crazy obsessed? Please!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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