Chapter 22: Stay Forever

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*3 Months Later*

"This looks so gorgeous Kiana!" Taylor from we are the in crowd said to me while she was fixing my hair.

Sarah was helping me as well, but with my makeup. When all of it's done, I take one final head to toe look in the mirror, my wedding dress, my hair and my makeup looks absolutely perfect.

...And's time, the moment I've been waiting for is here..and our time is now...

I stand tall and smile, holding my bouquet of flowers in both my hands together. I've never been more ready for anything in my life.

Music starts playing and the doors in front of me open and I slowly start making my way down the aisle. Tears start to barely form in my eyes. As I make my way towards Tyler and he places both of my hands in his own and looks me straight in the eyes and smiles, which caused me to tear up even more.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Kiana and Tyler if whoever would like to deny this marriage speak now or forever or forever hold your peace....Tyler, do you take Kiana as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

"...I do" Tyler replied smiling with a little bit of tears forming in his eyes.

"And Kiana, do you take Tyler as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked.

"...I do" I replied smiling.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife...Tyler you may now kiss your lovely bride" The priest said.

Tyler then grabbed my waist and pulled me into his grasp and kissed me so passionately, he then picked me up bridal style and carried me back down the aisle and out the door and into his car.

"So where we going?" I asked smiling.

"Back to our house" he replied smiling.

We then drive off and head back to our house.

Once we get there Tyler picks me up bridal style and carries me to the living room and sit me down on the couch and he sits down with me and wraps his arms around me, we didn't start talking about our future together and then watch a movie on Netflix.

"I'm so happy we did this today" Tyler whisper to me as he looked into my eyes.

"So am I sweetheart" I replied cupping my hand on his cheek and kissing his lips.

it then turns into a romantic and passionate makeout session he didn't pick me up bridal style and carried me upstairs to our room.

He then lays me on my back onto our bed and strips off my dress and kisses my neck all the way down to my hips, then strips off my underwear and also my bra then takes off his suit and tosses it off to the side of the room and climbs on top of me and gently thrusts into me then leans down and collides his lips into mine passionately, he thrusts me even faster, leaving me completely breathless.

About 20 minutes later he collapses on top of me and rolls over beside of me and looks me in the eyes.

"I love you so much baby love....Forever and always" Tyler said smiling.

"Tyler, I love you too forever and always" I replied smiling kissing his cheek softly.

He then falls asleep with his arm wrapped tightly around my waist amd my head on his chest.

the next morning we wake up early together and we had downstairs and have some breakfast.

as a greeting breakfast together I've been thought to myself about last night that's how Tyler didn't even use a condom on me and it was possible that I could be pregnant, I felt terrified of the thought of me even having a child.

"Hey Tyler, I'm gonna run to the store real fast, do you need anything while I'm there?" I asked.

"I'm good for now, thanks though, I'll see you when you get back from the store sweetheart" Tyler replied.

I then grab my keys and head to the car and then drive to the store, the first thing I grab is a pregnancy test, after that I go and pay for it at the checkout counter and head back in the car and drive back to the house, when I get there I see Tyler passed out on our bed upstairs.

I go straight to the bathroom and pull out a pregnancy test and use it.

a few minutes later I wait for the result I look back down that it really nervously..........and see that it was positive......

I walked back into the room all nervous and flustered not knowing what to do or say to Tyler about this whole situation I go and walk over to the bed and sit down next to him and shake his shoulder to wake him up.

"Wake up baby love" I whispered to Tyler.

Once he woke up he didn't kiss my cheek.

"Oh Hey Baby your back" Tyler said to me in a sleepy voice.

"Yep I'm back" I replied smiling.

"By the way did I tell you that Michael and Sarah were actually thinking about having a kid?" Tyler asked.

"Wow really that's great" I replied.

"Yeah and it got me thinking that I would actually want to start a family" He replied laughing.

I didn't look at him with a really nervous look and take his hand and place it in my own.

"Baby everything okay?" He asked.

"Well....Our family has already been started" I replied.

"Wait....I got you..pregnant?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, I didn't know how else to tell you I'm so scared, I honestly didn't know how you would react when I told you" I replied.

He then jumped up and grabbed my waist and kiss my lips in excitement.

"Baby, this is amazing news I'm so happy you said that honestly I'm going to be a father I've always wanted to be a dad it's going to be even better knowing that you're the mother of my child" He replied smiling.

"So you're not mad at all that I'm pregnant??" I asked.

"Me...mad? of course I'm not mad I'm so excited I can't believe I'm going to get to be a dad, but even better I can't believe we're starting a family together!!" Tyler replied excitedly.

"I'm so happy that you're excited for all this I can't believe I'm going to be a mother I'm honestly so scared!" I replied nervously.

"Baby don't be, I'm going to be by your side every step of the way, I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to be here to support you and our child" He replied smiling and kissing my cheek softly.

"Well hearing those words come out of your mouth makes me feel whole lot better about this whole situation" I replied smiling.

"Good I'm glad that you feel better about the situation because I don't want you feeling nervous about this at all" He replied smiling.

Tyler then got down on his knees and placed his hands on both sides of my stomach and kiss my belly.

"......Soon" He whispered smiling.

"Awe Tyler!" I replied excitedly.

**Authors Note**

I know this chapter is short and I apologize for that but I really hope you enjoy it and I think I'm going to make one last chapter or two depending where I leave off on the chapter but until then More To Come!! :) ~Kiana

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