Chapter 4: Wanting It All For Myself

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So my head is on Tyler's shoulder and we are watching a movie on Netflix together my brother AJ isn't happy about me and Tyler starting to have feelings for each other at all. I can't help falling for Tyler, but I don't want AJ to get upset about this whole situation.

"Everything alright?" Tyler asked me.

"Yeah everything's great" I replied with a nervous smile.

"Kiana, are sure?" Tyler asked with a concerned look.

"Yes Tyler I'm sure" I replied nervously.

"No your not, tell me what's wrong, I can see it in your eyes that something is wrong" Tyler replied.

"Well, AJ isn't happy about me having a crush on you" I said nervously.

"Woah, you have a crush on me?" Tyler asked blushing.

"Well yeah, I thought you knew that" I replied nervously.

"Actually I didn't, I mean I honestly have a crush in you too" Tyler replied smiling.

"Oh, well yay, and AJ isn't happy about me liking you" I replied.

"Well, why doesn't he?" Tyler asked.

"Well, he said that it's because you get drunk and do weird things and that your also his best friend and I'm his baby sister, and he would just feel weird if we were to end up together" I replied.

"Well yeah I drink, but I would never drink around you, only with AJ, and yeah AJ and I are best friends, but that doesn't have to make things awkward between AJ and I" Tyler replied. 

"That's what I'm saying, I don't know, I think AJ is just being over protective because he doesn't wanna see me get hurt like last time I had a crush on someone" I replied.

"Well what happened last time? If you don't mind me asking" Tyler asked.

"Well a couple years ago I had a crush on a guy, and we ended up together and he cheated on me for two years while we were together" I replied in a depressed tone.

"Well whoever he was he's pretty fucking stupid" Tyler replied kissing me on my cheek.

"Thanks Tyler" I replied smiling.

"No need to thank me, just being honest" he replied smiling.

"So when did you plan on telling me that you had a crush on me?" Tyler asked chuckling.

"Well, like I said, I really thought you knew that I liked you" I replied blushing.

"I know, I'm just messing with you, and has anyone ever told you how cute you look when your blushing?" Tyler replied laughing.

"You'd be the first one to say that" I replied blushing even more.

"Well damn, but it's true" he replied.

"Well thank you that means a lot" I replied kissing him on the cheek.

"Anytime cutie" Tyler replied.

I giggled.

"So are you having a good time tonight?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, defiantly!" I replied.

"Good, I'm glad" he replied.

"Are you?" I asked.

"Well of course I am, I mean I'm spending my night with you" he replied.

"Awh that's so sweet" I replied.

So it's around 10:45 PM and Tyler and I continue to watch movies on Netflix. We are wrapped up in a blanket together and I'm wrapped up in his arms as well, I noticed that Tyler fell asleep, I giggled and kissed him on his cheek and got up and went to my bunk to got to sleep. I would've stayed there and went to sleep with him but I didn't want AJ to see and get mad.


I wake up around 3:00 AM, I had a horrible dream, so I get out of my bunk and head to the bathroom to splash some water on my face, on the way I see that Tyler is still in the back lounge asleep. I go back there and get under the covers with him, I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his waist. I felt him begin to wrap his arms around me and cuddle with me.

"Everything okay?" Tyler asked in a sleepy tone.

"Yeah just had a bad dream" I replied.

"Awh, come here" Tyler replied pulling me closer to him and wrapping both his arms around my waist.

"It's alright I'm here" Tyler said kissing me on my cheek.

"I know, I feel safe now" I replied smiling.

"Good, now rest that beautiful head of yours" Tyler replied in a cute sleepy voice.

"Alright" I replied giggling.

At that moment Tyler instantly fell back asleep. So I fell asleep as well. Just knowing that I was safe in his arms I didn't have any awful dreams for the rest of the night. But now I know that I want Tyler to be mine, and only mine.

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