Day 11: Monster

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"Come out and play Dreamy..." Ink purred.

There was no reply, but this made it more fun.

"Come out come out, I'll make it fast," he said laughing, it wasn't sane laughter but he didn't care.

There was motion, he smirked and rushed after Dream.

"Why Ink.. why become a monster?" Dream cried, golden tears slipping down his face as he fled.

"I was always a monster dear Dreamy, I Just don't care," Ink laughed.

Dream tripped, leading to Ink capturing him.

"Please Ink, don't do this.. stop the madness," Dream begged.

"But madness is so fun," he responded, Dream screamed as he pulled his soul out by breaking the bones of his ribcage "Don't worry, I'll send dear Pally after you." Ink cooed.

Dream dusted.

Ink smiled and stood up, so many to kill, so much to destroy.

So many mistakes.

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