Day 25: A son's wish

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This cute piece was donated by OXnevaXC

Ink looked around before dashing across the hallway and then making a portal, jumping in. He then arrived in Outertale and then grinned a bit once he noticed that none of his friends followed him. He then quickly ran towards the familiar spot and then quickly tackled the lone figure there. "Nipa!" Ink cheered excitedly, a small yelp escaped the figure's lips before laughing softly. "Hello Inky." "Hello." Ink grinned befire quickly sitting down and facing his parent, known throughout the Multiverse as the Destroyer, but to Ink, He knows him as Errored Fate, or Error. His Parent, his Nibi. "What brings you here today hun?" "Nooothing~ Just wanted to stargaze with you." Ink grinned and Error chuckled softly. "Of course..." Error then glanced up at the stars with a small smile.

Ink leaned against Error, mirroring his Nipa's smile. He loves his parental figure very much. "Nipa?" "What is it Inky?" "Do you think you can make me a brother?" Ink grinned up at his parental figure. "I don't see why not." Error chuckled softly and Ink cheered happily. "Oooh! Me and my brother could maybe even play good and evil sometimes! Or- or we could help each other with balance! Or just hang out! It would be so cool!" Ink cheered excitedly and Error couldn't help but laugh at their son's enthusiasm. "I'm sure it will be."

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