1. "God doesn't exist"

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"Are you going to be the one looking after me now." Belle asked as she pressed her face against the glass, staring at Aki who was at the beginning of the corridor.

Aki felt shivers run down his spine, his legs froze for a second, but he still stepped forward. He was in no place to be scared now, he's a professional.

With each step she got closer and closer, he could see Belle's face better and better. There it was again. That smile on her face.

Once he reached the door he took our a key that the nurse gave him. She said that normally they don't look up their patients, but letting Belle walk around free would be too dangerous.

He watched as Belle sat down on her bed, waiting for Aki to walk in. He unlocked the door and walked in, the room was terrifying yet interesting.

"Are you my new doctor?" Belle said as she smiled at Aki, her eyes showed no emotion whatsoever.

"Yes I am, my name is Aki Huang" Huang said as he sat down on a chair. He wasn't feeling exactly safe sitting in front of her.

"Ah, okay! Say, what happened to my last doctor?I liked the guy!" Bella asked, she was sitting on his bed, her body rocked back and forward on its own.

"He.. He died due to poor health.."

"So I managed to break him!" Belle laughed and then suddenly stopped, she looked straight into Huang's eyes. "I'm gonna break you too.."

"I doubt that, I've seen things in my life, that won't be an easy thing to do," Huang said and took out his papers.

"So, Belle Brown, do you remember why you are here?" Huang asked. Asking these questions was a part of his method.

"Because I'm insane of course. That's a dumb question." Belle laughed.

"But before that, I saw your medical card from 5 years ago, no record of any mental illness recorded." Huang said. Belle frowned a bit

"Does that even matter?!" He suddenly asked. Huang now knew that his method was working.

"Okay, next question, what was your earliest memory?" He asked.

He noticed how Belle started fidgeting her fingers.

"I don't know." was what she answered.

"Can you at least tell me the name of the person you care of cared about?" Aki asked one more question, he didn't want to push Belle too much. He was kinda scared to do that.

"Christopher brown..." she said quietly, Aki thought that maybe this was if, maybe she reached his limit, but Belle suddenly looked up and smiled once again.

"Now it's my turn! I'm gonna ask questions now! So, Aki, how old are you?" he asked, Aki noticed it, he noticed the sudden change in Belle's emotions. When sud said that name she seemed sad, when asked about his memories she seemed stressed, and now he was back to his usual, creepy self.

"I'm 26" Aki answered simply, he was busy writing his analysis down on the paper.

"So young! All the other doctors were 40 years old! Are you sure your qualified for this position?" Belle asked as she quietly got off the bed and sneaked up to Aki.

Aki knew Belle was next to him.

"I studied psychology and other things right after school, they called me a genius because of how fast I learned, that's why I graduated early." Aki answered. He felt Belle's fingers on his neck.

"Ohh, I see." He said and suddenly went back to his bed.

Huang felt some kind of stone roll off of his chest when Belle walked away. This wasn't like him to be afraid of a patient, but Belle was something else.

"I see you draw." Kei pointed out as he finished writing. The drawings were terrifying though.

"I draw what I see and dream." Belle said, her face showed no emotion.

"Have you ever tried drawing what you feel?" Aki asked. Belle thought for a second before shaking her head.

"Why don't you try that now? Consider it a part of your treatment." Kei suggested. She nodded his head and took a piece of paper and a black pen.

He started drawing something, but Aki was more interested on the drawings on the wall."

There were a lot of figures. Black figures, their bodies seemed deformed. Was this what she dreamed about?

This room was scary. No scary house matched it.

"Ah, I did it!" Belle suddenly exclaimed and handed Aki a sheet of paper.

His emotion was clear.

It was a face, it was smiling, but the eyes weren't. Also I don't know HOW THIS MAN SMILES WItH HIS EYES

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