Chapter 1

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*ding ding ding*

    Ugh, school. I hate it. I’d rather be sitting at home doing nothing than go to school. I turned off the alarm and sat down on my bed. Immediately I grabbed my laptop off the other side of my bed and went on twitter to see if anything new was happening. Of course, nothing. Same shit, different day. I fell back on my bed.


   I opened my drawers and tried to find something to wear for the day, jeans and a nice shirt. By the time I got downstairs my mom was already done getting ready for the day at work herself. We exchanged goodbyes and I grabbed my sweatshirt and my book bag and went outside. I threw my bookbag in the passenger seat and got in my car. “I can’t wait for college,” I said to myself as I plugged my phone into my car to start the music and went on my way to school.

    Now, there’s something about me that’s a little bit different, kind of embarrassing to admit, but you could say I’m a “directioner” or whatever. Although I shouldn’t be ashamed of liking them, I always get so much crap for saying I like them so I just keep it to myself. Twitter is basically where I can sit down and just talk as much as possible about them and it doesn’t matter because luckily none of my friends know about it. A daily thing I do is watch movies on Netflix and then tweet all my emotions and then just tweet in general. The absolute worse thing is seeing new pictures of Niall. There is just something about him that makes my skin itch. Maybe it’s the sexual frustration talking but I’ve loved him for so long, and it hurts so much to love someone so much when in reality, they have no idea you exist. Of course, they are at their peak of fame right now and all the girls are swooning over him, but I always have that tiny bit of hope that one day, I will be the lucky one to marry him. Yeah, I probably sound like a cliche teenage girl but I can’t help it.

   I got to school and threw open my locker door and got all my stuff I needed for my first class then slammed it shut and made my way to the classroom. On my way, I saw my group of friends crowded around in a little circle chatting and laughing so I put my stuff in my class and went out to talk to them.

   “Hi guys,” I quickly shot out.

   “Hey Liv...,” Emily replied quietly.

   “What are you guys talking about?” I said trying to start a conversation.

   “Oh nothing,” Jenny replied.

   “Yeah,” Isabel also added.

   I could clearly tell they were lying, they were probably talking about me.

   "Where were you Saturday night?" Emily asked.

   "Oh, I was at home why..?" I replied slightly concerned. What had I missed?

   "You did remember that Jenny's party was Saturday night, right...," Emily said sarcastically.


   "Oh jeez, I totally forgot, I'm so sorry!" I said trying to sound sincere.

   "It's fine," she giggled, "just come over this weekend to make up for it," Jenny said sweetly.

   Jenny is probably my favorite out of all of my friends because she's so forgiving and nice. She’s always there to look out for me and even though I’m a pretty shitty friend, she still cares about me. Sometimes I feel she’s the only one that still likes me out of all my friends. Saturday night all I did anyways was stay up late watching movies and rewatching episodes. Pretty lame night if you ask me, I wish I would have remembered I actually had plans.

   “Definitely! Just remember to remind me on Friday,” I joked and she chuckled as we said our goodbyes and I headed to class.


   The day seemed to drag on and on, I wondered when it would end when the bell finally rang. I shot out of my seat and swiftly made my way to my locker to retrieve my things and head outside. School maybe wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t seem so dumb all the time while all my friends are in the genious classes and I barely pass just my normal classes. It must be hard being naturally smart. I giggled a bit to myself, laughing at my own joke, and noticed a boy at his locker staring at me and I realized I was just laughing to myself. Wow I probably seemed like the biggest freak ever. I put my head down and realised I was blushing as I felt my face feel like it was on fire.

   “What’s so funny?” he said as I was just almost about to pass him. Wow he was actually cute. A cute boy talking to me? This must be a dream.

   “Nothing, just thinking of something I heard earlier today,” I said hoping he’d believe it.

   “Oh, must have been pretty funny,” he joked. Wow this was just getting awkward. Do I just laugh and walk away or do I add something or what, oh my god I’m so socially awkward.

   “Uh, yeah,” I laughed continuing to walk and quickly made my way around the corner and went out the door and got into my car.

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