Chapter 6

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   I was about halfway to the Deli when I saw a group of about 10 teenage girls laughing and screaming in a circle. I was about to pass them when I saw him. He was in the center of the circle smiling and signing pieces of paper. I had to do a double take to make sure it really was him. It was. Niall fucking Horan was literally right in front of me.

   I stopped dead in my tracks. I could feel my jaw drop and a few tears fall down my cheek. I couldn't believe it and quickly wiped the tears away. My entire face felt hot and I realized I looked absolutely horrible. It would be so embarrassing to meet Niall like this. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me when I glanced back and he was staring at me and he flashed me his cheeky smile and I could feel my eyes get extremely large and my whole body was shaking.

   I thought about joining the group and asking for a hug considering he already knew I looked like crap but I didn't really feel like getting gang-banged by a bunch of annoying teenage girls who wanted an autograph. I didn't care about an autograph, I just wanted a hug. I felt sick to my stomach. I started walking around the group when of course, I tripped over the sidewalk. I sat down on my butt and lifted my sweatpants to look at my knee that was throbbing. There was cut and was starting to bleed. I used my cutup hands to push myself up and stand up when I took another step and felt myself fall over and I squeezed my eyes shut. However, I didn't hit the ground. A strong pair of arms caught me.

   I peaked my eyes open to see myself facing Niall. I immediately blushed and could feel my heart pounding. I quickly turned away to hide my face from him. My heart had dropped into my stomach, I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. My entire body was throbbing. I pulled myself together and stood up and brushed myself off and turned to face him. He gave me another cheeky smile.

   "Are you okay?" he asked.

   "Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. I knew I was bleeding and my knee killed.

   "Are you sure, you have a cut on your hand that is bleeding pretty badly," he said grabbing my hand to show me. Well look at that, it was. I was still shaking from being in his presence. 

   "Yeah, it happens all the time, I'm used to it," I said forcing a smile onto my face. He looked around and saw that people were taking photographs of him and crowding around. He looked back at me.

   "Hey, what do you say we get out of here?" he said whispering to me.

   "Uh, yeah okay sure," I said with a real smile on my face. Niall Horan wanted to "get out of here" with me. The thought of it was absolutely unbelievable.

   He grabbed my hand and started running and pulled us through the group and I tried to keep up. My heart was pounding. Where was he going to take us? His legs were much longer than mine and he could run much faster than me but he tried to stay at my pace. I knew I was really out of shape but I was surprised how I was able to run at all. Times like these make me thankful for having a fast metabolism. 

   Suddenly he made a sharp turn into an alley and pulled me along with him. I felt his hand squeeze mine a bit and he looked at me and smiled and I blushed. I can't even believe this is happening. He could tell I was shy and embarrassed and he laughed a bit and he turned around to see if anyone was chasing after us. They were gone.

   "Want to go get something to eat?" he said smiling. Of course he did.

   "Yes," I hardly managed to spit out. 

   "Where's the best place to go around these parts?" he asked.

   "Uh, I really like Dave's Diner that's about two miles away, but there is a McDonalds down the street," I said unsure.

   "Let's go to the Diner," he laughed shuffling through his pockets and got out his car keys. He started walking out of the alley and turned his head around. "You coming?" I laughed shaking my head.

   "Of course," I said running to catch up with him. He looked both ways before taking us out of the alley.

   He led us to his Range rover he rented while in America and opened the door for me to get in. I blushed and thanked him before getting in. I still was in complete shock this was even happening. I buckled myself and looked over at him while he got himself settled and started the car. He looked over at me and laughed.

   "So you like One Direction, eh?" he smiled while he drove over to the Diner. 

   "Yes, I like you guys a lot," I said smiling while twiddling my thumbs. 

   "Have you seen us live yet?" he said with a large grin on his face while looking over at me.

   "No," I said a bit embarrassed. He laughed and turned the radio on.

   "Well you are about to get your first ever live performance from your own, Niall fucking Horan," he said laughing and turning it to a station. "Whadda know!" he said laughing as he turned a certain song up. It was Kiss You. I laughed and hid my face in my hands. He started singing along. I couldn't help but laugh as he joked sang-along. His voice is so unique and perfect. The way he looked while singing gave me chills. He truly was perfect. He looked over at me as he sang the chorus.

   "And I just want to kiss youu," he sang as he looked over at me. I realized we had been in the parking lot for about a minute and we were just sitting in there. I saw him get a bit embarrassed as he turned the radio off. He looked at me at me and smiled. "Ready?" he said clutching handle.

   "Yep," I replied nodding. My hands were still shaking ,and I was surprised I was able to talk to him at all. He held his finger up for me to wait and got out of the car and shut the door and ran over to my side to let me out. I thanked him and got out. He was such a gentleman. He may be a cute, rambunctious looking boy, but he is so much more.


Niall's POV

   She was so cute. The way she was so shy and quiet was adorable. I could tell she was embarrassed but I wanted to make her feel comfortable. We walked in and I smiled at her. She blushed. I couldn't help myself from staring. She really was beautiful. With no makeup, hair up, and comfy clothes on, she really could pull it off. She had one of those faces that looked good naturally. Her long brown hair went down to about the middle of her back. Her green-blue eyes stood out the most. Her light skin was flushed with red every time I looked at her. From the moment I saw her, I wanted to know her.

   It was seat yourself so I let her pick the table. She picked a booth away from the windows.

   "I thought you might uh, want to sit away from the windows," she quietly said. 

   "Where ever you want is fine," I said flashing her a smile. I sat across from her. The waitress finally came over to our table to take our order.

   "Hello, what would you two like?" she said scanning us. All of a sudden she looked back at me and she was about to say something when I put my fingers to my lips.

   "Shhh," I said quietly. 

   "Ohhh, gotcha. I understand," the waitress replied.

   "Thanks hun," I winked. "What is your favorite thing to get here?" I said looking over to her. She was playing with her hair smiling. She looked up and blushed. 

   "Oh uh, I usually just get a burger and fries," she said quietly and I smiled back at her. 

   "We will take two of those, and two chocolate shakes too please," I said and the waitress walked away.

   I realized, that this gorgeous girl in front of me was still nameless to me. 

   "So what is your name?" I said looking into her eyes.

   "It's Liv," she said smiling looking back at me. A piece of her hair escaped it's ponytail and laid on her face. I reached over the table and put it behind her ear. She blushed and I laughed.

   "So, tell me about yourself," I said looking back into her eyes. She talked about her mom and school and her friends. Nothing out of the ordinary. It felt good to hear about someone else's life. I could tell she was becoming more comfortable being around me as her posture changed and her breathing was normal. Before I knew it, the food came out.

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