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"Goodbye, Papa!"

I leant forward and kissed my father's whickered cheek. 

"Don't worry, I promise that I'll write to you as soon as we make our first stop."

"Oh Serena, I'm going to miss you so mu-uh-uh-ch... HONK" 

My mother blew her nose rather loudly, then returned to sobbing into my fathers immaculate grey suit. I knew full well that she didn't want me to leave, but hey! the baby birds need to leave the nest at some point am I right? 

"Mama, you're being silly, I will be perfectly fine. And so will you." I added with a pointed look.

"Are you sure dearest? I'm just so worried about what will become of you." She sniffled, crumpling her handkerchief into one hand.

"Well then Mama, you needn't worry. Captain Jim is one of Papa's old friends, I'm sure he will take very good care of me." I quickly hugged her, before turning to the two people standing beside my parents. My best friends in the whole world since my last one disappeared from the face of the earth. My siblings.

Jack, my older brother, wiped at his sky blue eyes, before noticing my knowing smile and quickly said, "Gods, it's so dusty out here, and the pollen is making my eyes water so much."

"Right," I smirked before hugging him, "definitely not because you're going to miss me."

"Of course I won't miss you", he mumbled into my chestnut brown hair, "All right maybe I'll miss you a little bit."

Beaming I stepped back, before moving on to the last farewell, my little sister Meena. 

Kneeling on the wet, rotting planks of wood the dock was made out of, I looked affectionately at her. Her rose petal lips were quivering and her jade-green eyes filled with tears. I quickly pulled her into a hug so I wouldn't have to look at her.

Her quivering, pleading voice almost convinced me to stay, "Do you have to go Rena? You could stay so that we can have a tea party?"

I almost laughed at that. I hadn't had a tea party with her since she was 6. 

"Oh Meena, you know that this has always been my dream. Travelling the world, seeing new and exciting things. You never know, I hear that they have bears in America." I grinned at her, knowing that bears were her favourite animal.

Her eyes widened at the thought of me seeing a real bear. She giggled, "Don't be silly Rena, everyone knows that bears are dangerous." 

I wiggled my eyebrows conspiratorially. "Well, maybe I'll find a friendly one and send him your way so you can have a tea party with him."

She gasped happily and clapped her hands together, "Oh would you? That would be so wonderful."

I laughed along with her, "It would, wouldn't it?"

I quickly checked my watch and gave a start when I saw I was running late.

I stood and picked up my heavy suitcase, and only waved at my family before quickly climbing up the gangplank of the huge ship next to the dock. I didn't give my family a spare thought as the boat pushed away from the dock and started sailing away. I didn't look back once.

If only I knew that I would never see them again. 


This is my very first Wattpad book, and I am very excited about it. Sorry if the chapter is a bit boring, I'm still getting into writing, and I am most definitely not an expert. Anyway, why do you think she won't ever see them again? What do you think is going to happen next?

Your very excited author, 


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