Chapter 10

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i am sooo soo sorry if you guys have been waiting for a long time for me to keep on posting:) u see, its becoz its nearly my sisters wedding and we're getting reading and i have to help out and everything. BUT, i managed to write this part! hope you guys like it :)

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P.S this is a big favour to ask but please, do you guys think you can start telling other wattpaders to read this story becoz i'm aiming for more readers to rad this story!! please!! :) thanks



I felt free when he left. I guess my decision was correct.

I fell into bed and slept.

The next morning, I woke before sunrise. I walked down the stairs, wearing a simple red dress with a lace red bodice. I walked into the kitchen as I saw Anna cooking the early morning breakfast. I rushed to her aid.

"Oh, good morning your highness, oh don't worry about this, I have everything under control, trust me, I excel in cooking."

I smiled.

"Boasting about skills are we?" a low voice appeared as Ethan walked into the kitchen, obviously smelling the wonderful scents that Anna was cooking. Anna pecked Ethan and said good morning as he smiled down at her.

They seemed so happy.

They had everything that they needed, a wonderful family, brilliant children, a large house, and they had each other.

I walked out of the kitchen to give them some privacy.

I walked towards the front door and thought for a while before taking my red cloak and putting it on my. I put on my slip on shoes and before I opened the door, I turned around and called out,

"Anna, Ethan, I'll be out for a minute, just a nice morning stroll around the village,"

Anna poked her head out of the kitchen "Yes, of course dear, but return before 8'o'clock, that is when breakfast will be served."

"Of course," I said, smiling.

The light morning breeze was chilly.

I hugged myself under my cloak as I walked down the village. It was only 7 in the morning yet the townspeople were already up and about selling and buying goods.

I was walking and admiring how friendly the townspeople were to one another when I heard yells and screams of children.

I looked up the road and saw 3 grubby looking men walking down the streets, taking whatever they wanted from the stalls. They smirked at each other and continued walking down the street. The townspeople were all quiet and terrified. They all moved to the two sides and stood there, not wanting to be whatsoever involved with these men. I noticed that they were walking down the street towards me.

And I was in their way.

But they didn't seem to notice that. They were too busy looking around for goods to steal.

Suddenly, a young boy around the age of 4 ran out into the middle of the road, stopping the men in their way. The boy seemed to have dropped his ball and ran to collect it.

All the townspeople went silent as they store unbelievingly at the youngster. The men stopped walking and looked at the small boy. The men looked at each other and laughed. I noticed a young woman, sobbing on the side of the road. She looked at her son lovingly and at the men nervously. The lead man had dark curly hair, brown eyes and looked like the toughest of all the men. He kneeled down so that his face was the same level as the boys. He grabbed the boys face roughly and looked on both sides of the young boys face. He opened the boy's mouth and looked at his teeth. The rough man stood up again and took one last look at the young boy. He turned his head and saw the weeping woman, weeping over her son.

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