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"Cornelia is launching an attack, where's your suit?" I unzipped my bag and partially pulled it out. "Did you real the manual for your Knightmare?" I nodded. We left the Chinese place and zoomed through traffic to the same place we were at last night.

I went to a bathroom and changed quickly then went to my assigned Knightmare Frame. It was more advanced than the Southerlands, but I didn't know how it was compared to the Guren Mark II. I started it up and got a feel on the handles. My only trainin was the handbooks. God u hope I don't screw something up.

I followed the others in their Knightmares out to battle.

"(F/B/I), drop to the center back position" Lelouch commanded, Zero commanded.

"Right" I did as he said, still a little stiff on the maneuvering. Why would he want me to go to the back? That was the most protected position, did he doubt my ability to control a Knightmare?

"Q-1, advance to their base from the back. On cd in visual range, wait for my orders" Zero said. He is different when he is hidden behind that mask.

"Got it" was that Kollin's voice? Is she the one behind te Guren Mark II? That explains a lot. My phone began ringing. I looked at it and saw that it was Rivalz.

"What?" I said hurriedly.

"Where are you an Lelouch? Suzaku went missing along with Kollin. Did you guys go to a party without us?" Rivalz said. I know where Kollin, Lelouch, and I are, but what about Suzaku? Are they planning on releasing the Lancelot?

"No, Lelouch and I are stuck in traffic. Look, I really gotta go, bye" I hung up and turned my phone off as i advanced forward with the others.

"Zero, they may be planning on releasing the Lancelot soon, look out" I radios in. There was no response. Typical of Lelouch.

"Southerlands are heading through the outer defenses toward the center" a voice informed. They're headed for me.

I started to panic, feeling the adrenaline rush. Checking my surroundings I could see a Southerland headed my way. Miss my chance. It's now or never.

I pressed a button, initiating my sword on one hand, with the built in gun on the other. The Southerland began open fire. I shot back as I headed into battle, quickly advancing. Once I was within range I swung my sword, effortlessly cutting the Southerland in half.

Oh how much adrenaline I was feeling. And that was just one of the many features this Knightmare had. I felt accomplished, as if I had taken on a whole army rather than just one Southerland.

In my moment of glory, something hit me, and hit me hard. I blacked out.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

I awoke in a prison cell. I've been taken captive. I take in my surroundings quickly when I hear footsteps. I sit up, urging my headache away. Suzaku appeared at the entrance of my dark cell.

I'm over for if he sees my face. I have to get out of here. I try clearing my mind but thoughts are buzzing around like bees. I take a deep breath, listening to him unlocking my cell. For a split second, my mind was stopped, it was clear.

I successfully used my Geass. I stood up and approached the door. Suzaku walked to the shadows of the cell where I had woke up, and I leave through where he came in. I slammed the door shut, locking him in.

"Hey! Where are you?!" Suzaku shouted after my invisible existence. I silently run through the halls, getting more, and more tired. I check my pockets, they left my phone and fun alike so I clear my mind once again. I take out my phone and turn it on, waiting for it to load.

I turned a corner and hid in the shadows. 14 missed calls from Lelouch. From Zero. I dialed his number and listened to the ringing. Once. Twice. Three times. Then he picked up.

"Lelouch?" I asked in a hurried whisper.

"Where are you? Your signal was lost earlier" his voice sounded full of anxiety.

"I was in a holding cell but now I'm in some hallway. If I'm correct, I'm at their base. I don't have much time before Suzaku gets out and they start searching for me" I explain quietly and quickly. I put on my headset and put my phone away.

I peeked around the corner to see it was clear of Britanians.

"I want you to find their control base if possible. If you can't, then stay where you are and I'll come get you" I looked around the corner again and headed the opposite direction in which I came.

"I will most likely be able to make it there. Do I have permission to shoot if I come across a Britanians soldier?" I asked, creeping past the corner and down the hall.

"Yes, but don't shoot to kill. I want you to pull your collar up to cover your face. If they see your face it will be just as bad if they saw mine" he said. I hummed an agreement, hearing a door open so I went behind another corner in hopes to hide. I pull my collar up as instructed and wait for the soldiers to pass.

I go to the door that was just opened, and it slides open once again. I see computer screens in a dark, empty room.

"I'm here, but it's empty" I say quietly. "No one's in here"

"I gave th a bomb threat, there is a silent evacuation order from Cornelia. I want you to hack the system and change the code to something only you would know" why would he trust me with something like this? I quickly find my way around the pass codes and firewalls and come to the code selection. I think hard about it.

I smile and enter it. What good memories came from that code.

"Got it, now what?"

"Now look up a map of the building and exit through the door facing our headquarters" I do as I'm told and leave the room, going out that door. It was dark out already, but I knew there were Black Knights in Knightmares that were waiting at the door.

I watch as one Knightmare puts it's hand down for me to climb on. It was the Guren Mark II. It was Kollin.

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