Chapter 9

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Me and Mia we're getting dress we are going to the club.

Me: Mia are you ready?" Chris/Jordan: Ready for what were y'all going?" Mia: Come on we told y'all we were going to the club tonight" Jordan: Mamas you didn't tell me" Me: Yes I did you were playing the game and I told you yesterday when we were at the mall" Mia: It doesn't matter we are going im ready"

I kissed Jordan and we go to the club then I remembered. Me: Mia how are we going to get a drink?" Mia: Easy look in the bag" I look in her bag and there were like 20 little bottles in there and cups with orange and apple juice. Me: Okay girl" Mia: let's dance" Me: Hold on I need a drink first" I made myself a drink then we started dancing after a few songs we set down. Mia: So you like us living together so far?" Me" Yeah girl it's fun but I needed this bc with work and Jordan being a baby all the time is not it"

Mia: Yes im about to leave my job my boss is always on my back like I don't work or do overtime" Me: He only doing that because you turned him down" Mia: Foreal but hey you wanna prank Jordan and Chris?" Me: Hell yeah what are we doing?" Mia: Okay so they already don't want us at the club anyway so we are going to ask like we are staying at a random person house" Me: Okay they are going to mad as hell" Mia: it's worth it"

So we saw this gay boy that was dancing with us so go over to him. Mia: Hey do you remember us we were dancing together?" Sam: Yeah wassup" Me: So we want to do a prank on bf and gf like we are staying at a random person for the night and we were hoping you can help us?" Sam: Yeah girl so what's the plan?" Mia: So me and Mercedes are going to text Jordan and Chris and say we're going to sleep at your house and we are going to taking pictures and shit" Sam: Okay y'all can follow me"

So we leave the club and he lives like 5 minutes away but we get there and me and Mia start texting Jo and Chris. Mamas👑❤: Hey Jo im staying at a boy house tonight with Mia we were sleepy and he let us I was letting you know good night see you tmr"
Wifey❤🔐: Hey baby daddy im staying at a boy house tonight with Mia we were sleepy and he let us I was letting you know good night see you tmr"
We sent them at the same time and they both show the bubbles then they stop I get a phone call from Jordan but declined it same for Mia them I get two messages.

One was a voices message and she was saying to call her and go back to the club and the message said" Mercedes im not playing with you call me now and turn your location back on now" Mia got a similar one. Then Chris wanted to face time her she answered.
Chris: MIA WAY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER MY CALL WHO HOUSE YOU AT!" Mia: Stop yelling and I told you" Jordan: MERCEDES GET THE FUCK HOME NOW!"Me: Jo please im sleepy I will see you tomorrow" Jordan: Don't try and use that baby voice with me Mercedes im not playing now turn your location back on so we can pick y'all up now" Chris: Same for you Mia now"

We knew they were really mad now so we said okay and turned it on and waited now im scared because I've never seen her this mad, yeah we argue but God. We hear a knock at the door we open it and they were ready to kill him. Mia: Stop wait it was a prank we were gonna act like we were staying at a random person house to see y'all reaction don't hurt him and he's gay so stop" Chris/Jordan: Why would y'all do that shit" Me: Sorry" Jordan rolled her eyes. Jordan: Get in the car Mercedes"

We leave and say bye to Sam it was just me and Jordan she was driving but not home when we finally stopped it looked like we were in the woods. Jordan: Dont do that ever again Mercedes I was worried and stressed y'all took it too far" Me: I'm sorry we just wanted to have fun and do a prank" Jordan: I understand but not that" Me: Okay but can you stop calling me by my first name I hate that" Jordan: No because it lets you know im not playing

Me: Okay" She starts up the car and we go home Mia's car was there so they must of went straight home we go to our room and I take a shower and put im clothes on. Me: Can you stop being mad now im sorry and I wanna cuddle" Jordan: No now go to sleep Mercedes" I was getting sad we fucked up yes but she going overboard so I turn around and cried a little and went to sleep

The next day
Jordan: Why were you crying last night?" Me: I wasn't im about to get ready for" I was about to get up but she stopped me. Jordan: No now tell me" Me: You was yelling and started being mean to me after I said sorry like 4 times then you kept saying my name and you know I hate that" Jordan" Yeah because you pulled a prank that was not funny then you know not to do those kinds of pranks on me" Me: Okay im sorry" I get up again and she pulled me down again. Me: Yes"

She didn't say anything she kissed me on the lips and my neck and she was rubbing my butt. Me: Jo stop I got to go" Jordan: No wait now lay down" Me: No" She pushed me down and got on top of me and said " Mamas im not playing" Me: I know but not now" I get up got ready and went to work I seen Mia she looked like she went about 5 rounds last night but I got to work I did some overtime but I got home at 9 and when I got to my room Jordan pushed me on the bed.

Me: Again baby im sleepy" Jordan: But im been waiting mamas please" Me: Fine" we were kissing and we took each other's clothes off then she gave me head she was going crazy I was going to cry. Me: Jo please" She stopped but was fingering me and kissing my neck then we started having sex she was going at it. Me: Baby if it was about yesterday im sorry" I moan but she ignored me and kept going while we both were moaning she finally stopped.

Jordan: You won't do it again right?" Me: No im sorry" we took a shower and laid down Me: I love you Jo" Jordan: I love you to mamas" we went to sleep.

My Love(GxG)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin