Chapter-1 (Sidneet's Contrary Life)

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SM1: What is this? Is this how you end up after putting you in such an expensive school? You are making us ashamed. You are ruining the reputation of our family. What will I answer your grandparents when they ask us about your results? 

SM2: I will try my best next time but please give me one more chance.

SM1: You always say this but you never really improve yourself. When will you learn? After you fail your exams?

SM3: I have supported you always but this is not what I expect from you. Whatever happened let it be but from now onwards no insta, no siddjann, no siddharth, no fp, no youtube and no wattpad. Only studies. Otherwise even I will not protect you from your dad. Got it Avneet?

SM2: Ok mom, I got it.

(So, SM1 is Avneet's dad {AD} SM2 is Avneet and SM3 is Avneet's mom {AM})

Avneet's POV:
Avneet you are so backward. Even this time so love marks, why? You never focussed on your studies and always ran behind siddjann, but now no  siddjann, no fp just studies. I will have to prove myself in my next exam. Let me disable my fp and watty account.
Ahh! Finally disabled them.

AD(Shouts): Avneet come here.

Avu: Yes dad, what happened?

AD: Your mom fainted and her forehead is burning.

Avu: I'll just check her temperature.
OMG! 102.2F. This is really high dad, you should take her to hospital.

AD: I know that. I'll take her, you and Agreem will stay home. Alright?

Avu: Ok dad but now just go.

(AD and AM leaves in a taxi to the hospital. Avu gets tensed.)

Agreem: Di, everything will be fine you just calm down. 

Avu: Hmm

Agreem: Lets watch Hero-Gayab Mode On. We haven't watched yesterday's episode.

Avu: Yeah okay!

(They search the whole house but there's no clue of remote.)

Avu: I can't find the remote. Did you find it?

Agreem: No, I didn't too.

Avu: Then what should we do now?

Agreem: Lets watch something on our laptops.

Avu: Okay!

(Both open their laptop and watch something they like. Avu completely forgot about her exam results and was enjoying cause she had vacation.)

(Their mom and dad reached home. They hid their laptops and opened the door for them.)

AM: Avu! You should've prepared lunch for us. We were out. We would reach home hungry. Why are you like this Avu? We shouldn't expect anything from you at all. Huh!

AD: One can do nothing when we don't have a good fate. What did we do wrong that we have such children? What will he learn from you Avu? When the elder one is of no use what can we do to the younger one. Your uncle's daughter Manavi, she is so younger than you but she still cooks food but you don't. Shame on you Avu.

(Avu was on the verge of crying. She calmed herself by reading a book.)

AD: Wow! You are planning to study. We can do nothing with book knowledge be practical. Book knowledge will just helps to pass exams. You need to have practical knowledge. Now get out of my sight. I don't want to scold you all day.

(Avu went to her room and read the book while her father was still scolding her.)

Meanwhile at another place:

Abhi: Siddharth you had to wish Jannat. Its her birthday today.

Sid: Dada, You know na, we have received a lot of troll after Jannat left the show. So, to not be the prey of those trolls again we both are trying to drift apart in other people's eyes. I have already wished her verbally but I will post it in my story a bit late.

Abhi: Ok chote.

Vibha: What are you both discussing about?

Abhi: Nothing mom, Just about Jannat.

Vibha: I am just worried.

Sid: Why mom? What happened?

Vibha: Siddjannians will get really sad if Jannat won't invite us to the party but if she does then you both will have to suffer that hate again.

Sid: Yes mom.

Vibha: Sid you have to go for workout now.

Sid: Oh I completely forgot that one. Dada leggoo.

Abhi: Nah! Not in mood.

Sid: Think about it carefull dada. Vaish dii will not marry an unhealthy guy for sure. If you have no problem with seeing Vaish di with other boy, its fine with me.

Abhi: What are you saying Sid? I will surely go. Not because of Vaishu but because I have to remain fit like my brother.

Sid: (Laughs uncontrollably)

(After workout)

Sid: That was quite light workout. Right dada?

Abhi(Struggling to walk cause of leg workout): Oh my dear god. Is he my brother? or you exchanged him with this person?

Sid(Fake-crying): Dada you made me a stranger in a second. I am your brother only. Its just that you are weak and I am strong.

Vibha: You don't start you drama here. Abhi if you want to do drama do it on the set of HERO not here. 

Sid: I love you mom!

Vibha: You will also suffer. Your punishment of doing overacting is that you will cook you post-workout meal by yourself.

Sid: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Vibha and Abhi: Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

Abhi: Majority wins chote.

Sid: Ughhhhhh! Okay, fine.

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