×new owner, new life×

624 11 8

Warings: animal abuse, swearing, blood, gore (I think those two are the same thing-)

If you do not approve of these warnings please eather leave or read with caution.

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Blood....blood was everywhere...

Her body wouldn't move...

...to much..

To much PAIN

Pain is what she felt...blood on all her legs. He body was covered in deep cuts and dark purple and black bruises...blood pooling out of her body onto the cold cement ground.

It hurts....

Make it stop..


Lee jumps up from her slumber, hitting her head off the steal ceiling.

'Ow' she thought, falling back down on her somewhat of a bed. It's been months since she escaped the prison she never called HOME.

'Its just a bad dream lee! just...a dream'

Lee sighed, standing up on all her paws, slightly stretching. Her eyes wandered to the other cages off her fellow dog friends...

Sighing again, laying back down on her blanket. Her food and water bowls beside her, taking a sip of her water.
The metal doors down the narrow hall full of cages open with two figures inside. Both of them walk in, the dogs tails wag and some bark for attention.
Lee sits there not know that they where head straight towards her.

Puting her head down on her soft, white paws,They walk towards her. Lee jumps up in surprise, they never give her attention. She quickly hides in the back of her cage, trying to look as small as possible so they dont get her. Sadly they made there way over to her and opened her cell door.

"Come her girl, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you" the girl said putting her hands out. Lee could easy pounce on her but the fear of getting hit keeps her from doing so.

"Why is she not coming to me?" The blond lady asked. Confusion written all over her face.

"Well, shes scared of you" the brown haired girl replied with a worried expression.

"She was abused by her last owners, and when we try and give her a home, she runs away from them" Iee HAS seen the brown lady befor, and she knew that she was nice.

"Well let's hope that she stays with this family" the blond said with a soft smile on her face.

Lee slowly walked forwards to the new being, Still nervous and scared. Finally after a mintues or two, lee stepped out of her cage, her scars now visible to the two humans.

"Oh my, who would do such a thing?!"
The blond women yelled as she bent down to lee to inspect the scars. Lee flinches form the sudden action and jumps back abit.

The brown haired women sighs. "I asked the same thing when I first saw her. Let's go befor she changes her mind about trusting us" the blond nosed in response befor gently putting a collar on Lee's neck, attaching the leash befor leading lee towards the metal doors.

As they walk through the doors, the sunlight of the outside world blinds lee for a moment since she hasn't been out for awhile befor her eyes adjust to the brightness.

The glass double doors push open, letting fresh air enter Lee's nose. Many scents enter her nose, freshly cut grass, clean air and....



Lee's head turned left and right looking for the delicious smell. The two care takers noticed and chuckled.

A man standed in front of a truck, him leaning on the bumper. He looked over and smiled at lee, pushing his body off of his trucks front. He walked over to the keepers. "Female Samoyed, right?"
The blond asked. "Yep!" He replied.

He bent down to the big,white fluff dog.
He went to put the dog but quickly sees the fear in the dogs eyes. He stands back up and asks for the papers with the information about the dog. The brown haired women hands the 3 white sheets that where attached to eachother to the man.

He looked at the papers for a moment befor finally finding Lee's backstory and how she was tooken there.
His eyes widened a bit in surprise but quickly regain there normally look.

"Are you still willing to take her?"
The blond asked.



"Yes..I'll take her" he said flashing a wide, white smile to the two ladys.

"I'll go get the papers" the blond said, walking into the building, afuw moments later coming back out with the papers.

He quickly signed the papers and took the leash from the ladys. He waved them a quick bye befor walking back to his truck. Lee cautiously followed behind. The man opened his trucks passengers seat. Lee hesitates for a moments befor jumping into the front seat, sitting down right away.

The man shuts the door and walks over to the drivers seat, opening the door and sitting down. He shuts the door and starts the car engine, pushing the gas as little. He drives into the streets of the city that he had driven to, to pick up lee.
Rolling down her window, she slowly put her head out the window and immediately sticks her tongue out.

The man laughs lightly at the sight befor focusing back on the road.


lee sat on the seat, her head still outside the window, cornfields past by telling her that shes out of the city. Afuw minutes after, they arrive in a town. They drive down multiple streets until The man driving pulls into a driveway in front of a small yet nice house.

This is where Lee's anxiety started to kick in..

New Big Sister! (pixie and brutus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now